Unveiling Marvel's Epic Skrull Saga: Crushing 3 Controversial Secret Invasion Criticisms!

Unveiling Marvel's Epic Skrull Saga: Crushing 3 Controversial Secret Invasion Criticisms!

Discover how Marvel's 11-year-old Skrull story defied 3 major Secret Invasion criticisms, offering a more faithful comic adaptation Dive into the challenges faced by the MCU's Secret Invasion, from the absence of Avengers and Fantastic Four to a recurring problem in Disney+'s upcoming show

Caution: This article includes SPOILERS for Secret Invasion episode 3.

Marvel's initial adaptation of Secret Invasion in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes showcased a faithful rendition of the story, something the MCU's Secret Invasion show has yet to achieve. With the introduction of the Skrulls into the MCU, it was expected that Marvel would eventually bring Secret Invasion to the live-action format. However, instead of a large-scale, crossover event involving numerous Marvel heroes and villains like the Avengers, the MCU's Secret Invasion has thus far taken a more intimate approach, functioning as a spy thriller centered around Nick Fury and his interactions with the Skrulls. Though Marvel never explicitly promised a direct adaptation of the 2008 comic book, the absence of Avengers and Fantastic Four characters in Secret Invasion has drawn criticism.

Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes aired on Disney XD from 2011 to 2012. Although the show was inspired by the popularity of the MCU and The Avengers, it had its own distinct style that closely resembled Marvel's 616 Universe. A recent tweet comparing the Secret Invasion storyline in the MCU's upcoming show with the one in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes gained viral attention. It highlighted how the animated series' version stayed true to the comic book aesthetic. Despite its limited run, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes successfully adapted several iconic Marvel storylines, including Secret Invasion.

Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ Secret Invasion Was More Comic-Accurate Than The MCU’s

Unveiling Marvel's Epic Skrull Saga: Crushing 3 Controversial Secret Invasion Criticisms!

Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ Secret Invasion episodes differed significantly from the comics, with the notable absence of Spider-Woman. Yet, it successfully captured the essence of the original story. The Secret Invasion storyline consumed a total of six episodes in Avengers EMH, not to mention the extensive buildup preceding the Skrulls’ invasion. By this point in the series, viewers had already become acquainted with the Skrulls through previous story arcs, the Kree vs. Skrull conflict had been addressed, and characters like Captain Marvel and Abigail Brand had been introduced properly. Unlike the Secret Invasion in the MCU, EMH was able to adapt it as an Avengers-centric tale.

Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ Secret Invasion recognized the significant role played by Nick Fury, who was among the first humans to discover the Skrulls' infiltration. Nonetheless, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four were also directly involved in the narrative. The Secret Invasion arc served as one of the initial major crossover events in this animated Avengers series, with characters from all corners of the Marvel universe assuming important roles. Unlike the MCU's Super Skrull, which replaced the Fantastic Four's powers with elements from previous movies, Earth's Mightiest Heroes’ Secret Invasion featured the inclusion of the Fantastic Four as well as Doctor Doom.

The MCU’s Secret Invasion Is Struggling With The Lack Of Avengers & Fantastic Four

Unveiling Marvel's Epic Skrull Saga: Crushing 3 Controversial Secret Invasion Criticisms!

The Avengers animated series and live-action Disney+ series focusing on Nick Fury have different objectives. Secret Invasion, the Disney+ series, is not meant to be a faithful adaptation of the original comic story or marketed as an Avengers show. Rather, it is described as a combination of spy thriller and character study centered around Nick Fury. The dynamic between Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn has been central to the show, with the only Avenger featured being Don Cheadle's Rhodey without his War Machine armor.

However, the absence of the Avengers and Fantastic Four in Marvel's Secret Invasion show has been detrimental. Without their involvement, it is challenging to perceive the Skrull invasion as a significant threat. Even Rhodey's role has been more political than that of a superhero. It could be argued that Secret Invasion should have been Avengers 5, allowing for a broader and more impactful Marvel event, rather than a self-contained story with relatively low stakes.

Disney+’s Secret Invasion Show Repeats An Old MCU Problem

Unveiling Marvel's Epic Skrull Saga: Crushing 3 Controversial Secret Invasion Criticisms!

Adapting one of the most intriguing stories from the 2000s, the absence of Avengers and Fantastic Four might not have been the best decision. Not including Captain Marvel, despite her significant role in the Skrull narrative, and the unrelated involvement of the Super Skrull project with Fantastic Four, are all missed opportunities that could have been avoided for a more faithful Secret Invasion portrayal. Disney+'s Secret Invasion is another example of the MCU taking a major comic arc and adapting it into a standalone story. Similar instances include Marvel Zombies in What If...? and WandaVision's adaptation of Avengers: Disassembled and House of M. While superhero movies or shows don't necessarily need to replicate the comics, the MCU has sometimes used iconic Marvel storylines before fully developing them. Age of Ultron occurred when Marvel Studios only had the Avengers at their disposal, Civil War was announced prior to the agreement with Sony for Spider-Man's inclusion, and now Secret Invasion is happening before the introduction of Fantastic Four. With that being said, the MCU's version of Secret Invasion has the potential to stand on its own as an engaging narrative.

Sources: Cap (@CaptainGalxy)

New episodes of Secret Invasion release every Wednesday on Disney+.