Unveiling Marvel's Darkest Multiverse Stories
Explore the darkest corners of the Marvel Multiverse with these five alternate Earths that present some of the most twisted and dystopian storytelling in Marvel's history.
Earth X: The Mundane Era of Superpowers
Earth X (Earth-9997), a speculative pitch by legendary artist Alex Ross, imagined a dystopian Marvel future that became a series. In this alternate Earth, humanity gains superpowers, resulting in a power shift and a dystopian future. The era of the superhuman becomes an era of mundanity, with everyone having superpowers, and heroes like Invisible Woman, Professor X, and Daredevil meeting tragic fates. The story expands in sequels Universe X and Paradise X, becoming consistently more winding and bizarre.
Earth X Marvel Comics
The narrative of Earth X is characterized by a bleak world where nobody is special anymore, yet there remains a tinge of hope just on the outskirts of its dark storyline. This unique take on a world where things go wrong maintains a sense of hope amidst the darkness.
Old Man Logan: A Road Trip Through Darkness
Old Man Logan (Earth-807128) presents an alternate timeline where heroes have fallen, and an older Wolverine and his family live in a world ruled by the Hulk Gang. The story takes readers on a dark road trip with Logan and a blinded Hawkeye, delving into the horrors of President Red Skull and the brutal final encounter with the Hulks.
Old Man Logan Marvel Comics
Originally published in Wolverine #66, Old Man Logan offers a considerably darker perspective than its portrayal in the 2017 film, showcasing the grim reality of a world where heroes have been defeated, and darkness reigns supreme.
The Cancerverse: A Nightmare Universe
The Cancerverse (Earth-10011) presents a unique instance in the Marvel Multiverse, where life did the unthinkable and beat Death. This victory gave rise to the Many-Angled Ones, ruling over a nightmare universe where everything is twisted, and everyone lives forever, longing to infect and takeover other universes.
Marvel Comics Cancerverse
The threat of the Cancerverse is ultimately beaten back thanks to the efforts of Nova and Star-Lord, revealing the sinister nature of a universe where death has been conquered, leading to a nightmarish existence.
Marvel Zombies: Heroes Turned Monsters
Marvel Zombies (Earth-2149) unveils a world where the heroes of the Marvel Universe have been possessed by a zombie virus, driving them to eat flesh. The sinister and unstoppable virus turns even the mightiest heroes into insatiable zombies, resulting in dark and brutal encounters.
Marvel Zombie's Avengers
The various Marvel Zombies miniseries are dark affairs that pull no punches in their portrayal of mayhem, gore, and the transformation of beloved heroes into monstrous beings, making it a must-read for fans of old-school zombie stories.
Ruins: A Universe of Despair
Ruins (Earth-9591) presents a world where everything that could go wrong did go wrong, creating a universe predicated on the worst outcome always happening. The story unfolds with page after page of gore, death, and despair, offering a rough and unsettling read for fans of edgier comics.
Ruins Marvel Comics
With its relentless portrayal of misery and hopelessness, Ruins ensures that readers are left with a bad taste in their mouths, as it removes anything resembling hope and presents a universe predicated on the worst possible outcomes.