Unveiling Exciting Discoveries in Elden Ring's Latest DLC Trailer

Unveiling Exciting Discoveries in Elden Ring's Latest DLC Trailer

Explore the latest Elden Ring Shadow of Erdtree DLC trailer and uncover a surprising homage to a beloved feature from the past.

The Thrilling Unveiling

Fans of Elden Ring have been buzzing with excitement ever since the release of the Shadow of Erdtree DLC trailer. The highly anticipated expansion for the action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment has captured the attention of players worldwide. The trailer showcases a mesmerizing world filled with new enemies and captivating landscapes, leaving fans eager for more.

Amidst the breathtaking visuals and intense combat sequences, eagle-eyed fans have spotted a nostalgic nod to a beloved feature from the past. This unexpected discovery has only heightened the anticipation for Elden Ring's Shadow of Erdtree DLC.

Twitter article posted by Phoebe

A Trip Down Memory Lane

In a surprising twist, the trailer reveals a familiar mechanic from the iconic Dark Souls 2 game. Longtime fans of the Soulsborne universe will be delighted to see the return of this cherished aspect in Elden Ring. This subtle throwback has reignited the passion of many players, who have longed for the revival of this mechanic.

Dark Souls 2, released in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers. While opinions may vary on the game as a whole, the acclaim surrounding its DLC content is undeniable. It seems that the developers have heeded the calls of the community and are set to embrace the legacy of Dark Souls 2.

Embracing the Legacy

The Dark Souls series is known for its challenging gameplay, dark fantasy setting, and intricate lore. Elden Ring, as a spiritual successor to the Dark Souls series, shares many of its core gameplay mechanics and design principles. By incorporating a beloved mechanic from Dark Souls 2, the developers are acknowledging the legacy of the series and giving fans a taste of the past.

Dark Souls 2, despite its mixed reviews from critics, has garnered a dedicated following over the years. The DLC content, in particular, has been praised by players for its unique challenges and rewarding experiences. With the inclusion of this nostalgic feature, Elden Ring's Shadow of Erdtree DLC is poised to capture the hearts of both old and new fans alike.

The Return of Hand-to-Hand Combat

At approximately 1:55 into the trailer, viewers are treated to a glimpse of an exciting addition — hand-to-hand combat. This new mechanic, reminiscent of Dark Souls 2's Bone Fist, introduces a level of martial arts prowess that has long been anticipated by enthusiasts of the genre. The return of this close-quarters combat style opens up a world of possibilities for players, allowing them to unleash devastating attacks with their bare hands.

Crafting Martial Masterpieces

The iconic dropkick move, synonymous with Dark Souls 2, makes a triumphant comeback in Elden Ring's upcoming DLC. Players are already envisioning intricate 'Kung-Fu builds' that capitalize on this dynamic combat maneuver. The dropkick move, when combined with other martial arts-inspired weapons and armor, creates a unique playstyle that is both visually striking and mechanically satisfying.

Speculations abound regarding the scaling attributes of the dropkick attack. Many players are hoping for a seamless integration with existing playstyles, allowing for diverse and creative character builds. The possibilities for constructing martial masterpieces are endless, as players experiment with various combinations to find the perfect balance between power and agility.

A New Dimension of Gameplay

While some express reservations about the effectiveness of fist weapons in the genre, the reintroduction of the dropkick attack promises a fresh and exhilarating gameplay experience. The inclusion of hand-to-hand combat adds a new layer of depth to the already intricate combat system of Elden Ring. Fans eagerly await the opportunity to incorporate this mechanic into their PvP and PvE strategies, eager to test its viability in the challenging landscapes of Elden Ring.

The reintroduction of hand-to-hand combat also opens up a new dimension for character customization. Players can now create unique and visually striking characters that specialize in close-quarters combat. From swift and agile martial artists to hulking brawlers, the possibilities for character creation have expanded, allowing players to truly make their mark on the world of Elden Ring.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Lion Dancer Boss


As the anticipation for Elden Ring's Shadow of Erdtree DLC continues to build, the inclusion of this nostalgic feature adds an extra layer of excitement for fans. The return of hand-to-hand combat, reminiscent of Dark Souls 2's Bone Fist, promises innovative gameplay mechanics and thrilling combat possibilities. With the upcoming expansion, FromSoftware is delivering on the desires of the community and creating an experience that will captivate enthusiasts of the Soulsborne series.

The Shadow of Erdtree DLC is set to be released in 2023, and players can't wait to immerse themselves in the mesmerizing world of Elden Ring once again. With the promise of unique challenges, breathtaking landscapes, and now the return of beloved mechanics, the DLC is shaping up to be a must-play for fans of the genre. Prepare to embark on a new adventure and discover the exciting discoveries that await in Elden Ring's Shadow of Erdtree DLC.