Unveiling Dragon Ball Super's Shocking Plot Twist: How One Line Forever Changed Z's Iconic Ending

Unveiling Dragon Ball Super's Shocking Plot Twist: How One Line Forever Changed Z's Iconic Ending

Dende's single line shattered the essence of Z's iconic ending, leaving Goku grappling with the loss of his greatest strength and failing to uphold Master Roshi's vital teachings

Dragon Ball Super has introduced the opportunity to adapt the iconic ending from Dragon Ball Z, featuring a conversation that explains the reason behind Goku's future competition and training with Uub, Buu's reincarnation. However, Super's execution of this storyline unfortunately diminishes the significance of the original franchise finale, partly by undermining one of Goku's most defining traits. Moreover, the scene is plagued by unnecessary revisions and contradictions.

In Super, Dende takes the initiative to aid Goku in locating Android 17 for the Tournament of Power. Along the way, Dende introduces Goku to a young boy named Uub in chapter 31 of Dragon Ball Super, as conceived by story writer Akira Toriyama and artist Toyotarou. Dende discloses that Uub is actually the human reincarnation of Buu, and due to his exceptional talents, Goku should undertake his training.

Goku Can No Longer Rely On His Best Quality

Unveiling Dragon Ball Super's Shocking Plot Twist: How One Line Forever Changed Z's Iconic Ending

In Dragon Ball Z's finale, Goku believed that Uub was the reincarnation of Buu based on his assumptions and his ability to sense it. This belief was strengthened by the fact that Uub's name was Buu spelled backward. Goku wished for this to happen and believed that someone must have manipulated events for it to come true. To test his theory, Goku planned to compete against Uub in the next Strongest Under the Heavens Tournament. However, in Super, the storyline is altered, and Goku no longer relies on his assumptions or his senses. Instead, Dende informs Goku about Uub's true identity as a prodigy, and Goku is advised to train him. This change frustrates Goku as it prevents him from exercising his naive trust in others' strength and abilities, which has always been one of his defining characteristics. Goku has always possessed the remarkable ability to sense a fighter's capabilities, even when others are oblivious to them. This skill, almost mystical in nature, has proven to be accurate time and time again. One notable example is when Goku placed his faith in Gohan's latent powers to defeat Cell, despite Piccolo's criticism. Ultimately, Goku's belief was proven correct when Gohan achieved Super Saiyan 2 and defeated Cell. Throughout the series, there are numerous instances where characters, particularly Vegeta, ridicule Goku for relying on his instincts about someone.

Goku Can No Longer Fulfill Master Roshi's Most Important Lesson

Unveiling Dragon Ball Super's Shocking Plot Twist: How One Line Forever Changed Z's Iconic Ending

The pertaining retcon is particularly distressing as it alters the original conclusion of the franchise prior to the series rebooted by Super. Goku's reliance on his intuitive "sense" and faith in others was a flawless way to wrap up Dragon Ball, especially considering that it was Master Roshi who instilled in a young Goku the importance of constantly striving to improve, knowing that there will always be someone stronger out there.

However, now Goku simply follows Dende's instructions. Although it is possible that Dragon Ball Super may eventually surpass that scene in DBZ and conclude differently, at present, it has only ruined one ending without offering fans any prospect of a better one.

Dragon Ball Super is available on Viz.com.