Unveiling Alan Wake 2: Uncovering Key & Container Spots in Rental Cabins

Unveiling Alan Wake 2: Uncovering Key & Container Spots in Rental Cabins

Uncover hidden secrets in Alan Wake 2's Rental Cabins with our guide! Discover the elusive Cult Stash Key and unlock the mysterious Cult Stash Explore the thrilling world of Alan Wake 2 and unravel the secrets that lie within the Lake Cabins

The Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2's Cauldron Lake map is located in the Rental Cabins, situated in the northeast quadrant. Specifically, the stash can be found in the bathroom of the southernmost cabin, with a drawing attached to its top. This drawing serves as a guide to the key used for accessing the Rental Cabins Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2. Players can refer to this guide to easily locate the key.

Alan Wake 2: Rental Cabins Cult Stash Key & Container Locations

To unlock the Rental Cabins Cult Stash, players must acquire the Lake Cabins Stash Key. This key is located at the northernmost point of the area, under a tree. The exact location of the tree is indicated on the map provided below. Alan Wake fans can reach the tree by following these instructions:

Proceed northward from the cabin containing the Cult Stash and enter Cabin #3, which is the second cabin on the right.

Exit the cabin through the door on the east side, proceed in the northward direction, and then crouch beneath the tree.

Navigate through the cabin located on the left side and guide Saga Anderson from Alan Wake 2 northward, ensuring to pass by a pickup truck.

Turn on the flashlight and look to left to find a tree with a yellow "2" painted on it.

Collect the Lake Cabins Stash Key from the ground near the base of that tree.

Unveiling Alan Wake 2: Uncovering Key & Container Spots in Rental Cabins

Having obtained the Lake Cabins Stash Key, players have the opportunity to revisit the Rental Cabins Cult Stash and acquire the array of consumable items it contains. It is worth noting that fans who unlock this stash will also be making progress towards obtaining Alan Wake 2's Watery Lighthouse Key, which grants access to additional supplies and Manuscript Pages. To obtain this key, players must unlock every Cult Stash in the game, including the one at the Rental Cabins.

In Rental Cabin #4 (located next to the cabin mentioned in Step 4 of the previous instructions), there is a Nursery Rhyme puzzle that players may want to tackle while in the vicinity. For fans who are wondering, solving this puzzle earns them a Coffee Mug Charm, which grants Saga one extra life when equipped. However, the puzzle completion holds significance beyond this reward, as players need to solve all the Nursery Rhymes in Alan Wake 2 in order to acquire the Father Doll. Alan Wake 2 is currently accessible on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.

Editor's P/S

Alan Wake 2 is finally here, and fans are already uncovering all sorts of secrets in the game. One of the most interesting things to find are the Cult Stashes, which are hidden rooms filled with valuable items. In this guide, we'll show you how to find the Cult Stash in the Rental Cabins area of the game.

To find the Cult Stash, you'll first need to find the Lake Cabins Stash Key. This key is located in the northernmost part of the area, under a tree. Once you have the key, head to the southernmost cabin and look for a drawing on the wall. This drawing shows the location of the Cult Stash.

The Cult Stash is located in the bathroom of the cabin. Inside, you'll find a variety of items, including ammo, health, and manuscript pages. You'll also find a note that gives you more information about the Cult. Be sure to explore the rest of the cabin, as there are other items to find.