Why Alan Wake 2 Must Master the Art of Harmonizing Its Most Iconic Element

Why Alan Wake 2 Must Master the Art of Harmonizing Its Most Iconic Element

Alan Wake 2 must strike a delicate balance between maintaining the iconic flashlight mechanic that defines the franchise while also delivering on the promise of a fully-realized, terrifying survival horror experience

The eerie and foreboding atmosphere of the Alan Wake franchise was established long before the series ventured into the realm of survival horror with Alan Wake 2. Although certain parts of the first game were set in daylight, it was during the night that Alan's haunting nightmares and written creations came to life. As the events of Alan Wake 2 unfold, it becomes clear that time has not been kind to the protagonist, who has been trapped in the Dark Place, an alternate dimension, for over a decade.

Despite the pervasive darkness, players are not completely defenseless in the world of Alan Wake. The games offer various sources of light that provide both safety and offense. Lamp posts act as checkpoints where Alan can heal and nearby enemies will disappear. Flares create temporary safe zones that repel any nearby threats. The flashlight, however, is the most commonly used tool at the player's disposal, offering a reliable source of light and protection against the mysterious forces lurking in the shadows.

The Flashlight Is a Core Part of Alan Wake's Gameplay

Why Alan Wake 2 Must Master the Art of Harmonizing Its Most Iconic Element

The flashlights used in the Alan Wake franchise are not particularly unique or exotic. They do not have any special heritage or require any kind of magical power source. Interestingly, the original Xbox version and PC port of Alan Wake had a promotional deal with Energizer, featuring the brand's logo on the batteries themselves. Although different types of flashlights can enhance the range and damage of Alan's light beams, they all function in a similar manner.

The main purposes of the flashlights are fourfold. They can help locate yellow-marked clues, provide illumination in dimly lit areas, operate as makeshift reticles for firearms, and most importantly, penetrate the Dark Presence shield that renders the Taken and other possessed objects impervious to damage.

Extra batteries can be found scattered throughout Alan's journey which become increasingly crucial as he encounters more Taken and obstacles. The flashlight's battery charge slowly depletes over time, with shining a light on the Taken and possessed objects being the biggest drain. However, players can recharge their flashlight by refraining from using it for a while.

Why Alan Wake 2 Must Master the Art of Harmonizing Its Most Iconic Element

In the newly revealed gameplay footage of Alan Wake 2, the game's protagonist Saga Anderson showcased a unique ability to use her flashlight alongside her gun without depleting the battery charge. While the flashlight's charge decreases when used to weaken an enemy's Dark Presence, shining the flashlight simultaneously with the gun doesn't consume any energy. This feature was particularly noticeable during the initial enemy encounter, where the foe was still surrounded by Dark Presence.

In the original Alan Wake game, shining the flashlight on enemies protected by the Dark Presence would drain its batteries. However, this mechanic has been changed in Alan Wake 2 to provide a constant source of illumination. While this may detract from the survival horror tone, it will allow players to easily navigate their surroundings. In contrast to games like Amnesia: The Bunker, where players don't always have access to their flashlight, Alan Wake 2 will provide the necessary information to make things less scary. While Saga and Alan won't always be able to use their flashlights to attack, the beams of light will still be a valuable tool. To compete with other survival horror games, Alan Wake 2 may need to lower the brightness settings and the overall power of its illuminating items.

Alan Wake 2 launches on October 17, 2023, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.