Unveiling a Surprising Discovery: Unearthing an Unusual Fossil in the Amazon

Unveiling a Surprising Discovery: Unearthing an Unusual Fossil in the Amazon

Discover an extraordinary ancient fossil resembling a giant dolphin, master the art of capturing the total eclipse, explore the lineage of George Washington, and delve into fascinating discoveries.

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The oceans of Earth are full of a wide variety of creatures and unknown secrets.

Enterprising marine scientists wanted to learn more about the ocean floor, so they attached cameras to tiger sharks in the shallow tropical seas of the Bahamas. Thanks to the data collected by these sharks, researchers discovered the world's largest seagrass ecosystem, spanning approximately 35,000 square miles (92,000 square kilometers), as reported in a 2022 study.

Seagrasses have the potential to store large amounts of carbon, which could play a vital role in addressing the climate crisis, according to marine biologist Dr. Austin Gallagher, who is also the CEO of Beneath the Waves, a research group.

Looking back at Earth's history, scientists are able to learn about ancient aquatic ecosystems through the study of fossils.

Dig this

An artist's reconstruction depicts Pebanista yacuruna in the murky waters of the Peruvian proto-Amazonia.

An artist's reconstruction depicts Pebanista yacuruna in the murky waters of the Peruvian proto-Amazonia.

An artist's reconstruction depicts Pebanista yacuruna in the murky waters of the Peruvian proto-Amazonia.

Jaime Bran

When researchers noticed strange rock fragments sticking out of the ground near the Napo River in Peru’s Loreto region, they assembled them and made a surprising discovery.

Aldo Benites-Palomino, a doctoral candidate of paleontology at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, excitedly exclaimed, “It’s a dolphin! It’s a dolphin!” when they realized what they had found.

A newly discovered dolphin species once inhabited a freshwater lake in the Peruvian Amazon around 16 million years ago. This particular dolphin was approximately 11 feet (3.2 meters) in length, which is twice as big as some humans.

This discovery is significant as it contributes to our understanding of the evolutionary history of freshwater dolphins, which are rarely found in the fossil record.

A long time ago

Genetic material recovered from the tomb of a sixth century Chinese emperor has enabled scientists to create a 3D reconstruction of the monarch’s face.

Emperor Wu governed China from 560 to 580 and brought together the northern region of the country amidst a turbulent time of rapid dynasty changes.

Although the reason for Wu's sudden passing at 36 remains unknown, research using ancient DNA revealed that he had a genetic predisposition to strokes.

Most intriguing to researchers was that Wu belonged to a little-studied nomadic group called the Xianbei, which lived across modern Mongolia and northeastern China.

Solar update

This composite image captures the phases of a total solar eclipse as they unfolded in El Molle, Chile, in July 2019.

This composite image captures the phases of a total solar eclipse as they unfolded in El Molle, Chile, in July 2019.

This composite image captures the phases of a total solar eclipse as they unfolded in El Molle, Chile, in July 2019.

Stan Honda

On April 8, astrophotographer Stan Honda will be stationed in Fredericksburg, Texas, armed with four cameras to document the total solar eclipse.

Honda has some tips for capturing the historic celestial event, whether you're using a DSLR camera or a smartphone. Make sure to grab a safe solar filter for your camera and never look at the sun through an unfiltered camera, even if you're wearing eclipse glasses.

For different eclipse phases like the "diamond ring" effect, Honda suggests using manual focus as the moon gradually blocks the sun's light.

Beware of fake eclipse glasses in the market, experts caution. Make sure your glasses are safe by following these testing tips and learn about eye safety precautions before the eclipse.

Get ready for April 8! Save the date for the upcoming total solar eclipse on your Apple iCal, Outlook, Google, or Office365 calendar. CNN will be broadcasting the event live.

We are family

Located in Mount Vernon, Virginia, is a marble tomb that serves as the burial site for George Washington, the very first president of the United States. Despite this well-known fact, there has always been uncertainty surrounding the whereabouts of certain members of his family, including his younger brother Samuel who passed away in 1781.

He and 19 other members of the Washington family were laid to rest in the cemetery at Samuel’s Harewood estate near Charles Town, West Virginia. Some of the graves, including Samuel’s, did not have markers, possibly to prevent grave robbers.

Now, scientists have examined remains found at Harewood in 1999 and applied advanced DNA analysis methods to determine the identities of two of Samuel’s grandsons and their mother.

While the location of Samuel’s grave remains a mystery, the latest techniques could help identify unknown remains of those who served in the military.


The remains of a decorative wall can be seen at the site of an ancient home renovation in Pompeii.

The remains of a decorative wall can be seen at the site of an ancient home renovation in Pompeii.

The remains of a decorative wall can be seen at the site of an ancient home renovation in Pompeii.

Courtesy Italy Ministry of Culture

Meanwhile, new excavations of Pompeii have revealed the site of a home renovation that was likely occurring when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79.

Archaeologists discovered piles of building materials near a reception area adorned with a mythological painting within the residence. The site offers a glimpse into the Roman construction methods employed centuries ago, showcasing sustainable materials and a more durable concrete formula that could still be utilized in modern times.

In a village in Oxfordshire, researchers discovered the remains of a "remarkable" Roman villa complex. Site director Francesca Giarelli from Red River Archaeology Group described the find, which included a collection of small, tightly wound lead scrolls.

Get ready to relax with your favorite weekend drink and dive into these fascinating reads:

A collection of human brains, some dating back hundreds to thousands of years, is revolutionizing researchers' understanding of human health.

Scientists have discovered a volcano on Mars that is taller than Mount Everest. This oddly shaped formation was actually hiding in plain sight for many years.

In Germany, there is concern for the famous sausage dogs, known as Dachshunds. A new draft law may ban the breeding of dogs with "skeletal anomalies," putting these beloved pets at risk.

Colorful paintings discovered in an ancient Egyptian necropolis offer a glimpse into the daily life of people living 4,300 years ago in the area south of Cairo.

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Editor's P/S:

This article provides a fascinating glimpse into the latest scientific discoveries and advancements. From the vast seagrass ecosystem discovered by tiger sharks to the reconstruction of an ancient Chinese emperor's face, the article showcases the remarkable progress being made in various fields of science. The discovery of a new dolphin species in the Peruvian Amazon and the analysis of remains in George Washington's family cemetery further highlight the importance of paleontology and DNA analysis in unraveling historical mysteries. The article also highlights the upcoming total solar eclipse, providing valuable tips for safe viewing and photography. Overall, this article serves as a reminder of the boundless wonders and advancements that science continues to bring.

It is particularly intriguing to learn about the sustainable construction methods employed in ancient Pompeii, which could have implications for modern architecture. The discovery of a volcano on Mars taller than Mount Everest also challenges our understanding of the Red Planet's geological features. The article's exploration of the potential health benefits of seagrasses and the concerns surrounding the breeding of Dachshunds in Germany further demonstrates the interconnectedness of science and society. By staying informed about these scientific advancements, we can appreciate the progress being made and its potential impact on our lives and the world around us.