PlayStation Users Will Not Lose Access to Discovery Shows After All

PlayStation Users Will Not Lose Access to Discovery Shows After All

Sony has announced that access to Discovery TV shows on PlayStation will not be removed after a previous announcement caused uproar among users. The amended licensing arrangements will ensure continued access to purchased content for at least the next 30 months.

The Uproar and Fear of Losing Digital Content

At the beginning of December, Sony announced that numerous Discovery TV shows would be removed from PlayStation, sparking outrage among users. The sudden notice and the potential loss of purchased shows reinforced the fear of many people who purchase digital content.

PlayStation Store

PlayStation Store

The move away from physical games and movies to digital content presents a big gamble for consumers. Digital items aren't truly owned, and access can be removed at any time with little warning. The fine print often offers little recourse for buyers to recover money spent or regain access to their purchases.

The imminent removal of dozens of Discovery TV shows from PlayStation has been halted, and users will no longer lose access on December 31. Sony has updated its licensing arrangements with Warner Bros., ensuring continued access to purchased content for the next 30 months.

The Shift to Streaming Subscriptions

In 2021, Sony halted the practice of purchasing movies and TV shows from the PlayStation Store, opting to offer subscriptions to streaming services instead. This decision aimed to eliminate worries about licensing and align with the trend of subscription-based consumption.

This isn't the first time PlayStation users have faced the risk of losing access to purchased TV shows. All Studio Canal content was removed in August 2022 due to expiring licensing agreements, similar to what would have happened with the Discovery content.

Recent incidents, such as the shutdown of Google Stadia, have highlighted the potential pitfalls of fully digital consumption. Subscribers lost access to entire game libraries, emphasizing the vulnerability of digital content.

Challenges of Fully Digital Consumption

The risks of fully digital consumption extend beyond licensed content. Network outages can lead to temporary loss of access to purchased games, and with some titles going online only, physical versions can become unplayable.

Even with refunds, subscribers who lost access to game libraries when Google Stadia shut down also lost progress and characters they had grown attached to. This serves as a stark reminder of the potential drawbacks of digital-only access.