Unsolved Enigmas of Stargate Series

Unsolved Enigmas of Stargate Series

Delve into the unanswered questions of the Stargate universe. Discover the mysterious secrets that linger, including the enigmatic appearance of the elusive Furlings.

The Stargate shows, while impressive, have left many questions unanswered and mysteries unexplained. The franchise began with the 1994 movie and has since expanded to include one film, three TV shows, one web series, one animated show, and two direct-to-video films. Stargate is widely regarded as one of the best sci-fi franchises of all time, with all 8 movies and shows being impressive and deserving of recognition, including Stargate: Universe, which was canceled after two seasons.

However, despite the overall quality of the franchise, the Stargate TV showsStargate SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Stargate Universe – do have a notable flaw. The writers struggled to tie up loose ends, leaving many big questions unanswered throughout the series. These unresolved mysteries have left fans puzzled for years. With rumors of an Amazon Stargate reboot circulating (via MovieWeb), now is a good time to revisit some of the biggest mysteries that the upcoming movie and TV series may finally address.

Who The Furlings Are In SG-1

Do the Furlings Look As Cute And Fuzzy As Everyone Thinks?

Furlings stand by the stargate in Stargate SG-1. - Do the Furlings Look As Cute And Fuzzy As Everyone Thinks? - Who The Furlings Are In SG-1

Furlings stand by the stargate in Stargate SG-1. - Do the Furlings Look As Cute And Fuzzy As Everyone Thinks? - Who The Furlings Are In SG-1

The Furlings are one of the alien races mentioned in Stargate SG-1, along with the Ancients, Asgards, and Nox, known as the “Alliance of Four Great Races.” Despite being imagined as cute and fuzzy by characters like Colonel Jack O’Neill and Gordie Lowe, the Furlings never actually make an appearance in the show. This leaves fans wondering if the assumptions about them are accurate. With a Stargate film and TV series reboot in development at Amazon, there is a chance for the writers to finally bring the Furlings to the screen and solve the mystery surrounding this enigmatic alien race.

The Origin Of Eden’s Obelisk

The Creators Of The Obelisk Don't Appear In Stargate Universe

The Obelisk rises from a volcano on Eden in Stargate Universe - The Creators Of The Obelisk Don't Appear In Stargate Universe - The Origin Of Eden’s Obelisk

The Obelisk rises from a volcano on Eden in Stargate Universe - The Creators Of The Obelisk Don't Appear In Stargate Universe - The Origin Of Eden’s Obelisk

In Stargate Universe season 1, episode 13, “Faith,” when the ship lands on Eden, there are no inhabitants on the planet. However, there is a colossal 2000-foot-tall obelisk emerging from a volcano. It is believed that the beings who constructed the obelisk also created Eden, suggesting that the planet may not have formed naturally. Surprisingly, the aliens who once resided on Eden and built the obelisk are never shown in the series. Their species name and the purpose behind constructing the statue remain a mystery, making them one of the intriguing alien enigmas in the Stargate Universe, alongside the mysterious Furlings.

What Happens With Sam And Jack?

This Couple Deserve A Conclusive Ending In Stargate SG-1

Jack closes his eyes in Stargate SG-1. - This Couple Deserve A Conclusive Ending In Stargate SG-1 - What Happens With Sam And Jack?

Jack closes his eyes in Stargate SG-1. - This Couple Deserve A Conclusive Ending In Stargate SG-1 - What Happens With Sam And Jack?

In Stargate SG-1, Samantha Carter and Jack O’Neill had a will-they-won’t-they dynamic, but the show never addressed their relationship. However, in a deleted scene from Stargate Atlantis season 4, episode 16, "Trio," it is revealed that they are actually in a relationship. This revelation leaves fans with more questions than answers. How did they transition from their previous dynamic to being a couple in Atlantis? And why did they choose to keep their relationship a secret?

Sam and Jack are a fan-favorite couple who appear in all three Stargate TV shows.

Sarah’s Life After Getting Freed From Osiris

Sarah Doesn't Appear In Stargate SG-1 After Being Freed

Sarah looks angry Stargate SG-1 - Sarah Doesn't Appear In Stargate SG-1 After Being Freed - Sarah’s Life After Getting Freed From Osiris

Sarah looks angry Stargate SG-1 - Sarah Doesn't Appear In Stargate SG-1 After Being Freed - Sarah’s Life After Getting Freed From Osiris

What Happens To The Tollans

Throughout Stargate SG-1, Sarah is the unwilling host of Osiris. The Tok’ra free Sarah from Osiris by extracting her. Because Sarah doesn’t join the Stargate Program, they presumably debriefed her and let her go back to being a civilian. However, she still has an abundance of knowledge from her time with Osiris. As such, it’s a mystery what her life looks like after she becomes a civilian. The only glimpse that’s given of her life after this occurs in the short story “Dude, Where’s My Spaceship?” in Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis: Points of Origin, rather than on TV.

Do Any Of The Tollans Survive In Stargate SG-1?

Three Tollans stand together looking at someone in Stargate SG-1 - Do Any Of The Tollans Survive In Stargate SG-1? - What Happens To The Tollans

Three Tollans stand together looking at someone in Stargate SG-1 - Do Any Of The Tollans Survive In Stargate SG-1? - What Happens To The Tollans

In Stargate SG-1 season 5, Anubis sends Tanith to attack the Tollans. They develop weapons to defend themselves, but the Stargate Program destroys these weapons, allowing the assault on the planet. The ships that try to escape the attack are wiped out, and by the end, it seems like none of the Tollans are left alive. However, this is never directly confirmed. This remains one of the biggest mysteries of Stargate. The Tollans could all be wiped out. If they aren’t, though, Stargate SG-1 leaves the question open as to how they recovered and built a new society.

The Ending Of Stargate: Atlantis Doesn't Make Sense

The Atlantis crew looks out at the Golden Gate Bridge in Stargate Atlantis' ending. - The Ending Of Stargate: Atlantis Doesn't Make Sense - The New Location Of Atlantis

The Atlantis crew looks out at the Golden Gate Bridge in Stargate Atlantis' ending. - The Ending Of Stargate: Atlantis Doesn't Make Sense - The New Location Of Atlantis

After the events of Stargate: Atlantis, Atlantis lands in the San Francisco Bay without being seen by anyone. This allows for a beautiful final scene where the team gazes at the Golden Gate Bridge with Atlantis in the background, marking the perfect conclusion to the series. However, Atlantis cannot remain in this location due to the busy traffic of ships in the bay, posing a potential risk of collision. This leads to a lingering question in the Stargate franchise - where does Atlantis end up after the finale episode of Stargate: Atlantis?

What Happens to Destiny In Stargate Universe?

Destiny Takes On Familiar Faces In Stargate Universe

This image shows the Destiny ship from Stargate Universe. - Destiny Takes On Familiar Faces In Stargate Universe - What Happens to Destiny In Stargate Universe?

This image shows the Destiny ship from Stargate Universe. - Destiny Takes On Familiar Faces In Stargate Universe - What Happens to Destiny In Stargate Universe?

In Stargate Universe season 2, the Destiny has its own consciousness or artificial intelligence, allowing it to speak with the crew. Additionally, Destiny has its own personality, motivations, and perspective. However, the ship suddenly stops communicating as soon as Dr. Nicholas Rush shares his knowledge about the visions with the crew. It’s never established why the visions stop, where Destiny goes, and whether the ship is alive. Moreover, it’s unclear why Destiny chooses to speak to the crew using familiar faces. The Stargate reboot at Amazon could use this story choice from Stargate Universe, making the ship a sentient being.

The Destiny Interface Chair And Dr. Jeremy Franklin

What Happens To Dr. Jeremy Franklin?

Dr. Jeremy Franklin sits in the chair with two other people looking at him in Stargate Universe - What Happens To Dr. Jeremy Franklin? - The Destiny Interface Chair And Dr. Jeremy Franklin

Dr. Jeremy Franklin sits in the chair with two other people looking at him in Stargate Universe - What Happens To Dr. Jeremy Franklin? - The Destiny Interface Chair And Dr. Jeremy Franklin

Is Kiryk Still Alive In Stargate: Atlantis?

In Stargate Universe, Dr. Jeremy Franklin is a scientist aboard the Destiny. The control interface room includes a chair directly in the middle. After Dr. Franklin sits in the chair for the first time, he begins convulsing and goes into a comatose state. It takes a long time for Franklin to regain consciousness. Then, when he sits in the chair for the second time, Dr. Franklin disappears entirely. There are two main possibilities for what happens to Dr. Franklin. The ship either uploads his consciousness or disintegrates his body. Ultimately, there are so many unanswered questions about this mystery.

Kiryk Could Be Dead Or Alive

Kiryk glares and crouches down in Stargate: Atlantis. - Kiryk Could Be Dead Or Alive - Is Kiryk Still Alive In Stargate: Atlantis?

Kiryk glares and crouches down in Stargate: Atlantis. - Kiryk Could Be Dead Or Alive - Is Kiryk Still Alive In Stargate: Atlantis?

What Does “Cut The Green One” Mean?

In the TV show Stargate: Atlantis, Kiryk has a troubled history with the Wraith, which ultimately leads to his fate in the series. After an encounter with the Wraith, Kiryk takes on the responsibility of protecting a young girl named Celise and they go on the run together. To get help for Celise's injury, Kiryk decides to bring her to Atlantis. However, when they reach the Stargate, they are met with multiple Wraiths. Kiryk successfully escapes through the Stargate, but the Wraiths follow him. Unfortunately, Kiryk's fate remains unknown after Stargate: Atlantis season 5, episode 9, “Tracker.”

Alternate Mitchell Gives A Cryptic Message

Mitchell and Alternative Mitchell look at each other in Stargate SG-1 - Alternate Mitchell Gives A Cryptic Message - What Does “Cut The Green One” Mean?

Mitchell and Alternative Mitchell look at each other in Stargate SG-1 - Alternate Mitchell Gives A Cryptic Message - What Does “Cut The Green One” Mean?

In the Stargate SG-1 episode "Ripple Effect" from season 9, Mitchell meets a different version of himself who advises him to "cut the green one" when the time comes. This seems like an important clue for future events in the series. However, this advice is never actually relevant to any situation Mitchell faces. It remains a mystery as to what the alternate Mitchell meant by his words. It is unclear if the show's writers overlooked this detail, if the alternate Mitchell was joking, or if the original timeline somehow prevents the circumstances the character was referring to.

Editor's P/S:

The Stargate franchise, despite its captivating storylines and impressive cinematic effects, has left a trail of unanswered questions and unresolved mysteries. These enigmas have tantalized fans for years, fueling speculation and leaving a sense of incompleteness. The upcoming Amazon reboot presents an opportunity to address these lingering issues, bringing closure to the curious minds of Stargate enthusiasts. The article meticulously outlines some of the most prominent mysteries, such as the true nature of the Furlings, the origin of Eden's obelisk, and the fate of beloved characters like Sam and Jack.

The unresolved mysteries of Stargate have kept the franchise alive in the hearts and minds of its loyal following. With the possibility of a reboot on the horizon, there is renewed hope that these tantalizing questions will finally be answered. Whether it's through the introduction of new characters, the exploration of unexplored storylines, or the revisiting of past events with fresh perspectives, the Stargate reboot has the potential to not only revive the franchise but also provide a sense of closure to its dedicated fanbase.