Unsettling Encounter: Starfield NPCs Demand Your Attention

Unsettling Encounter: Starfield NPCs Demand Your Attention

Starfield NPCs captivate gamers with their uncanny staring behavior, leading to hilarious reactions and an abundance of Bethesda memes


Some Starfield NPCs have wide-open eyes and a staring problem, leading to strange and off-putting moments.

The unique physics in Starfield may explain the wide-eyed NPCs. However, Bethesda, known for enhancing NPC behaviors, may resolve this eye issue in a future update.

Since the release of Starfield, gamers have noticed that the NPCs possess an intense gaze and a tendency to stare. In previous Bethesda games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim, NPCs were often ridiculed for repeating certain lines or following a predictable daily routine. However, Starfield introduces a fresh set of peculiar NPC moments. As Starfield is set in a larger universe compared to other Bethesda games, it's possible that the facial expressions of its NPCs are influenced by the unique conditions of space and physics. While both The Elder Scrolls and Fallout universes have their own distinctive features, Starfield may boast the most eccentric NPCs.

Several Starfield players, including Reddit user CalciferAtlas, have raised concerns about the unnaturally wide-open eyes of the Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) in the game. CalciferAtlas shared an image showcasing 12 instances of this phenomenon, highlighting the subtle variations in the NPCs' eye expressions. While some NPCs direct their gaze towards the Starfield protagonist, others maintain unrealistic eye contact while angling their heads away from CalciferAtlas. These examples often resemble popular memes and GIFs that effectively convey a shocked expression. It is worth noting that the image shared by CalciferAtlas does not focus on the main Starfield NPCs, implying that this eye issue may extend to important plot characters as well.

Although Skyrim and Fallout NPCs have not been known to experience this particular issue, they occasionally exhibit strange behavior. As Starfield is a vast game, it is possible that some players have not encountered all the NPCs yet. In addition to the eye problem, players have also reported rare glitches that cause NPCs to transform into terrifying Starfield monsters. However, despite these NPC-related glitches, Starfield is relatively free of bugs compared to Fallout 4 and Skyrim upon their respective launches. While some players commend certain facial expressions displayed by the NPCs, others find themselves distracted by those with wide-eyed gazes.

Despite the presence of memorable stereotype NPCs in Bethesda games, each game has shown improvement since its initial release. Given that Starfield is a recently launched game, Bethesda has the opportunity to address the issue of NPC eyes through a future update. While Starfield has received a day one patch, the timeframe for the release of the next update remains uncertain.

Currently, Starfield is accessible through early access and is set to officially launch for PC and Xbox Series X/S on September 6th.