Unraveling the Mystery: Is a Major Secret Concealed Within the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk Character?

Unraveling the Mystery: Is a Major Secret Concealed Within the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk Character?

Discover the intriguing world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's expansions as they introduce exciting new characters Uncover the hidden secrets of The Indigo Disk and its enigmatic character, Amarys, who could potentially bridge the gap with Generation 5


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are praised for having one of the best stories in mainline Pokemon games, with emotional storylines and interesting twists.

The BB League in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC is a captivating inclusion, as one of its prominent trainers may harbor a hidden secret.

There is a possibility that Amarys shares a connection to Pokemon White's Iris, just as Drayton likely shares a connection with Pokemon Black's Drayden. Speculation suggests that Drayton's Archaludon symbolizes Black City, while Amarys' Pokemon could embody White Forest.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet offered a refreshing change with Gen 9, boasting an exceptionally captivating storyline that is often regarded as one of the finest in the mainline Pokemon games. This can be attributed to the intriguing narratives of characters like Professor Sada and Turo, as well as Arven, who not only evoke strong emotions but also introduce unexpected plot twists that challenge long-established conventions. For instance, Sada and Turo break tradition by not providing players with their starter Pokemon. However, this exceptional storytelling sets a high standard that the upcoming DLCs, The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk, must strive to match. Fortunately, a certain character from The Indigo Disk could potentially contribute by unveiling a significant hidden secret.

While there is currently limited information regarding the characters appearing in the Gen 9 DLC expansions, there appears to be a diverse and captivating cast, particularly in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk. Players can anticipate encountering numerous new trainers, including the enigmatic BB League and the esteemed instructors of the Blueberry Academy. It is highly likely that they will also offer formidable challenges in future battles. The addition of the BB League stands out as the most intriguing aspect of the DLC, with a possibility that one of its top four trainers harbors a mysterious secret.

Unraveling the Mystery: Is a Major Secret Concealed Within the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk Character?

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk may suggest that the Gen 5 games will receive more attention in the near future. One reason for this is that Archaludon is used by Drayton, a member of the BB League, who bears a striking resemblance to Drayden from Pokemon Black. This aligns with the leaks surrounding Gen 9 DLCs, which mentioned a new Pokemon representing Black City from Gen 5, though its counterpart is still unknown.

Furthermore, it is rumored that there will also be a creature representing the themes of White Forest from Pokemon White. While the specifics of this Pokemon remain a mystery, its trainer appears to be quite clear. Amarys, a student of Blueberry Academy and member of the BB League Elite Four, seems to have a connection to Pokemon White's Iris. Similar to Drayden and Drayton, Amarys and Iris share a noticeable resemblance, indicating a possible relationship between them.

Should Amarys turn out to be connected to Iris in Pokémon Black and White, or if she happens to have an exclusive and unidentified Pokémon, it will only further emphasize the significance of the hints relating to the fifth generation. Amarys is also featured in the recent Pokémon Presents trailer, explaining to the player character that Koraidon and Miraidon will have the ability to fly in The Indigo Disk DLC, although this ability is allegedly temporary. It is speculated that this is part of the trials conducted by the BB League, which may suggest that Amarys specializes in Flying-type Pokémon.

Even if Amarys is not associated with Iris from Pokémon Black and White, her inclusion in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's second set of Elite Four signifies a major departure from the series' long-standing traditions. Lacey and Crispin, the other prominent trainers in the BB League alongside Drayton and Amarys, also possess intriguing qualities and they could potentially play a pivotal role in the DLC's storyline if they are indeed who they appear to be.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for the Nintendo Switch.