Unravel the Enigma: Unlocking the Hidden Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy's Faculty Tower

Unravel the Enigma: Unlocking the Hidden Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy's Faculty Tower

Unveil the mysterious world of Hogwarts Legacy as you embark on a quest to discover the hidden secret room in the Faculty Tower Explore the depths of magic and unravel the secrets that lie within Find collectibles and unlock the wonders that await in this enchanting adventure

In Hogwarts Legacy, players assume the role of a young fifth-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Their mission is to prevent a formidable goblin from instigating a war against the wizarding community. While the main story drives the narrative, players are also granted ample opportunities to explore the vast world and uncover its hidden treasures between quests.

The world of Hogwarts Legacy is brimming with secrets, making it a meticulous task to discover them all. Whether players seek to fully immerse themselves in the game's offerings, unearthing all the secrets can require a significant amount of time and dedication. Even within Hogwarts Castle, there are hidden spaces like the secret room in the Faculty Tower, which pose a formidable challenge to find.

Updated August 26th, 2023: To obtain the Faculty Tower Collection Chest in Hogwarts Legacy, players must locate and unlock the hidden room concealed behind a locked door within the Faculty Tower. Although this room is skillfully concealed, players with the knowledge of its whereabouts should encounter no difficulties as they explore the secrets within the Faculty Tower area and acquire the coveted Faculty Tower Collection Chest. To facilitate this endeavor, the updated guide now offers a comprehensive video tutorial.

How To Find The Entrance To The Secret Room In The Faculty Tower

Unravel the Enigma: Unlocking the Hidden Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy's Faculty Tower

Those who have thoroughly explored Hogwarts Castle during their gameplay may have come across the entrance to the secret room in the Faculty Tower. However, they may not have realized that there is a way to access it, as the entrance is not presented in an obvious manner.

Unravel the Enigma: Unlocking the Hidden Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy's Faculty Tower

To locate the entrance, the player should swiftly teleport to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame situated in The South Wing. Upon arrival, they should proceed down the hallway and enter the first door on the right, conveniently positioned next to Gladwin Moon. Continuing on, they ought to ascend the stairs, conquering two floors, only to be confronted by a formidable Level 3 Lock that bars entry to Professor Sharp's room.

In order for the player to gain access to this room, they must first successfully complete The Caretaker's Lunar Lament quest and discover a total of 22 hidden Demiguise statues scattered throughout the game world. Once these tasks have been accomplished, the protagonist will receive guidance from Gladwin Moon on how to unlock Level 3 Locks.

Unravel the Enigma: Unlocking the Hidden Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy's Faculty Tower

Once in Professor Sharp's room, take a moment to investigate the surroundings and unlock the chests scattered throughout. To access the chest containing the sentient eye, which is located in the room on the right, cast the Disillusionment spell discreetly and out of sight.

Unravel the Enigma: Unlocking the Hidden Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy's Faculty Tower

Upon acquiring all the benefits these rooms provide, the player must retrace their steps back to the initial room and approach the crackling fire. By unleashing the power of the Glacius spell, the flames will be tamed, granting the player access to crouch below the fireplace and venture into the concealed chamber of the Faculty Tower.

All Collectibles In The Faculty Tower Secret Room

Unravel the Enigma: Unlocking the Hidden Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy's Faculty Tower

After crawling through the fireplace, the player must ascend the stairs to their right to reach the secret room in the Faculty Tower. In this room, they will be able to use Revelio to uncover a chest and a dragon statue bowl.

Opening the chest will grant players the Shell - Metallic wand handle, and utilizing spells such as Confringo or Incendio on the dragon statue bowl will unveil a page from the Field Guide. In addition to discovering these coveted items, players can also take a moment to appreciate the captivating artwork thoughtfully displayed by Professor Sharp throughout the room.

Hogwarts Legacy is currently accessible on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. The PS4 and Xbox One versions are set to be released on April 4, while the Switch version is slated for release on July 25.