Ben Song, portrayed by Raymond Lee, takes on his latest Quantum Leap adventure, transporting him back to the 1600s - his earliest time period yet. In an exclusive clip from the upcoming episode airing on Wednesday, December 6, Ben finds himself witnessing the Salem Witch Trials. However, he struggles to focus on the historical event due to personal tension in his life.
Ben sat down next to an unfamiliar woman in the church, attempting to determine his whereabouts. "I believe they're all discussing you," Ben stated, even though he didn't know whose persona he had assumed.
The woman seemed to be conscious of the impact she had made, remarking, "They're claiming I was involved in Josiah's death." Ben retracted his suspicions about the enigmatic woman's involvement in Josiah's passing after she expressed her deep affection for him.
“Don’t let them get to you. It’s just gossip — it can’t hurt you,” Ben reassures her.
Raymond Lee NBC
Ben gains new perspective when Ian (Mason Alexander Park) appears as a hologram. Ian, who is non-binary, tries to discuss the previous leap with Ben. However, Ben declines since his ex-fiancée, Addison (Caitlin Bassett), can overhear the conversation.
"I want to talk to you, but talking to you means talking to everyone who's listening at HQ," Ben explains. "I just want to move forward from this. I've left that part of my life behind me."
Ian redirects the conversation to the leap by sharing the information they've managed to gather. "It's 1692. There aren't a lot of historical records to help you out, but there's plenty of gossip flying around this church," Ian remarks. "Your name is Elizabeth, and you're the servant girl to Bridget Smith."
Raymond Lee Trae Patton/NBC
Ian suggests that Ben's appearance in the 1600s may be connected to Bridget's husband, mentioning the irony of everyone calling her "Goodie" as they attend her husband's funeral. As Ben gains more context, he finds himself in a church trying to understand the situation.
In the revival of the original science fiction series, Quantum Leap, Ben makes a secret leap and becomes lost in the past. With assistance from his ex Addison and the rest of the Quantum Leap team, Ben endeavors to uncover the cause of his unexplained journey back in time in order to alter history.
The first season hinted at Ben’s potential return, which never happened. Instead, he was missing for three years and when the team finally tracked him down, he realized how much had changed in his absence. Executive producer Deborah Pratt teased what fans can expect in the show's next chapter before the premiere of season 2 on NBC in October.
Raymond Lee NBC
"Time travel is at the core of the show, and that's the direction it has taken in season 2. There's much more to explore about the person that Ben inhabits," she exclusively told Us in the same month. "And also, how Ben's emotional response to a leap connects him to his humanity. He's an Asian American man, so how does that impact him when he becomes a Black woman? What are the kind of revelations that were so crucial to the original series? They're back - in my opinion - in a more exciting and intimate way."
Meanwhile, Lee, 36, commended Quantum Leap for providing him with the opportunity to develop as an actor.
Last month, he humorously remarked to Us, "It's like a dream. I guess I don't have to worry about finding new roles for the rest of my career. My reel must be pretty packed with all the characters I can possibly portray. But a significant aspect of our profession is the opportunity to play make-believe, and I have the ultimate opportunity for that. I have a deep fondness for period dramas, and as someone with my background, I don't often get the chance to be a part of American historical moments in time."
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He added, "I never thought I would have the chance to be a part of a Western film in my career, unless it was reimagined from a unique perspective. Living out that dream has been an incredible experience, and I couldn't have asked for a better job."
Quantum Leap airs on NBC Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET.