Unprecedented and Jaw-Dropping: Unleashing Devastating Mayhem with Jar Cannon in Elden Ring

Unprecedented and Jaw-Dropping: Unleashing Devastating Mayhem with Jar Cannon in Elden Ring

Elden Ring player showcases jaw-dropping skills with an astonishing Jar Cannon shot, effortlessly eliminating the host in a mind-blowing display of precision and strategy

Using the Jar Cannon, an Elden Ring player successfully eliminated the host with an incredible and unexpected shot. Similar to the Dark Souls games, Elden Ring offers a wide range of multiplayer options that allow gamers to either compete or cooperate with each other. Additionally, players have the option to invade other users' games in order to disrupt their progress. Since its release in 2022, Elden Ring has seen many users devise unique and fascinating strategies to defeat their opponents. For instance, one dedicated fan cleverly ambushed the host's party as Malenia, catching them completely off-guard with her signature attack. Now, another player has achieved a remarkable victory by using the Jar Cannon to eliminate their target.

A Reddit user named Esbidee has shared a video showcasing their multiplayer encounter in Elden Ring. With the advantage of higher ground, Esbidee lands an impressive shot on the host from a distance using the Jar Cannon. Seizing the opportunity, Esbidee spots the host and their co-op partner attempting to cross a bridge in Elden Ring, presenting the perfect chance to eliminate their opponent. With perfectly timed precision, Esbidee's attack causes the host to plummet to their demise, although not immediately killing them.

To celebrate the victory, Esbidee proudly poses as "Host Vanquished" appears on the screen. This also provides viewers with a clearer view of Esbidee's character, confirming their choice of playing as Patches in Elden Ring. Apart from Patches, fans of Elden Ring have been creating various characters based on famous personas from other media franchises since the game's release.

The Jar Cannon shot has left a strong impression on gamers in the comments, with many fans congratulating Esbidee on the victory. One user suggests that FromSoftware should consider adding a killcam to Elden Ring in order to provide players with more information about unexpected attacks that result in death. Other comments focus on Esbidee's choice to play as Patches, noting how this aligns with his behavior.

Interestingly, some users were unaware that they could equip a Jar Cannon in Elden Ring and are now seeking information on how to obtain this weapon. Those who are interested in trying out the Jar Cannon should be aware that it can be obtained after defeating the boss Demi-Human Queen Margot in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.