Unmasking Fallout 4's Chilling Vault 95

Unmasking Fallout 4's Chilling Vault 95

Fallout 4's Vault 95: A Disturbing Showcase of Vault-Tec's Sinister Experiments, unearthing the horrors within their twisted walls

The inhabitants of Fallout 4's vaults fell victim to the sinister experiments conducted by Vault-Tec, a corporation that promised protection from the nuclear fallout but instead subjected them to even greater peril underground. The Sole Survivor, the protagonist of the game, found their experience of cryogenic sleep relatively mild compared to the horrors endured by the residents of other vaults in the Commonwealth. Vault 75, for instance, witnessed the brutal massacre of parents and teachers, leaving orphaned children to undergo a process of 'genetic refinement'. Similarly, Vault 81 became a site for medical experimentation, though the compassion of its Overseer prevented the worst outcomes. These vaults were chilling examples of the extreme lengths Vault-Tec was willing to go in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

In line with this pattern, Vault 95 in Fallout 4 followed suit, although its experiment initially remained concealed from its inhabitants for the first five years underground. The vault was designated for pre-war drug addicts, who were seen as ideal candidates for a 'rehabilitation program'. This program offered them a safe space to overcome their chemical dependencies, supported by a community of individuals facing similar struggles. Over the years, the program proved successful thanks to daily meetings and the formation of a tight-knit group that resembled a family, as recounted by a former resident of the vault. However, everything changed when a Vault-Tec agent, disguised as a recovering addict, took a devastating step towards advancing the corporation's experimental objectives.

Fallout 4's Vault 95 Sets a Terrifying Example of Vault-Tec's Methods

Unmasking Fallout 4's Chilling Vault 95

The agent proceeded to reveal a concealed cache of drugs within the vault, intending for it to be discovered by the other residents. The aftermath was gruesome, with some of Vault 95's inhabitants succumbing to their cravings and resorting to violence. However, there were others who resisted for as long as possible before eventually giving in, expressing anger and despair at Vault-Tec's actions. The final entry in one individual's terminal log highlights the devastating nature of the situation, as they mention leaving their hiding spot in search of something to numb their pain and the hope of reuniting with any surviving friends.

While exploring Vault 95 in Fallout 4, the Sole Survivor comes across the bodies of those who participated in Vault-Tec's rehabilitation program. These bodies are scattered throughout the vault, accompanied by chems, alcohol bottles, and sometimes weapons. In close proximity to the vault's fission generator, there is a group of these deceased individuals, and upon closer inspection of the surrounding debris, a disturbing sight awaits - a large baby bottle among the remains. There is another room in the vault, likely used for support meetings, where chairs are arranged in a circle. In this room, the remains of the addicts can be seen slumped over, having met their tragic end together.

The exploration of Vault 95 reveals a community that has been formed from the struggles of a world shattered by Vault-Tec's hidden motives. This further emphasizes the impact of their experiments and the high price that comes with such methods. Speculation from fans suggests that some vault dwellers may have been able to resist the drugs and continue living above ground. However, considering the abundance of chems scattered throughout Fallout 4's Commonwealth and the extreme violence of its wasteland, surviving in such circumstances would be incredibly challenging.

The vaults in the Fallout series have portrayed Vault-Tec's experiments in a dark and unsettling manner, adding depth to the games' storytelling through their unique narratives. It is likely that Fallout 5 will continue this trend, introducing new and horrifying ways in which the corporation deceives its vault dwellers. If the vaults in Fallout 4 are any indication, the citizens of the next mainline game will face significant difficulties in surviving the aftermath of a nuclear fallout. Only time will reveal the atrocities they will have to endure.

Fallout 4 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.