Discover the Mind-Blowing Graphics of Fallout 4 in Unreal Engine

Discover the Mind-Blowing Graphics of Fallout 4 in Unreal Engine

Experience the beloved post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4 in a stunning new light, as a brilliant modder showcases the game's breathtaking visuals in the latest Unreal Engine 5 Prepare to be blown away by the incredible transformation of this classic RPG

An aging game can always use a little sprucing up, and one individual has demonstrated just that by showcasing Fallout 4 in Unreal Engine 5, resulting in a visually stunning experience. Despite being almost eight years old, this post-apocalyptic RPG still boasts an intricately crafted open-world map and impressive development skills. While it may not be regarded as the best Fallout game to date, Fallout 4 still holds its own with its expansive exploration opportunities, extensive in-game content, and a steadfast community of modders. Unfortunately, the game was developed using Bethesda's Creation Engine, the same toolkit used to create Skyrim, and even in 2015 it was showing its age.

A YouTuber and artist who goes by the name Ghost Design recently decided to give Fallout 4 a visual overhaul using Unreal Engine 5. With the help of assets from Megascans, Ghost Design was able to create highly detailed textures that bring the game up to modern standards. Unfortunately, the final product had to be presented as a slideshow due to issues with the renderer in Unreal. Unreal Engine is a powerful game engine that is widely used in the creation of both AAA and indie titles. Its fifth iteration is particularly impressive, offering features and tools that can make video games look incredibly realistic. In comparison, the Creation Engine, which powers Fallout 4, is more than a decade old and lacks many of the advanced capabilities of Unreal.

With the announcement of Fallout 5 being in development, fans can anticipate a fresh addition to the beloved series after the disappointment of Fallout 76. While the release date remains uncertain, it is expected to come after the upcoming release of Elder Scrolls 6, which is also shrouded in mystery. In the meantime, Fallout 4 can be enjoyed on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, and will soon be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2023.

Source: DSO Gaming