Unlocking the Secrets: Unveiling the Lesser-Known Traits of the Powerful Great Houses of Westeros

Unlocking the Secrets: Unveiling the Lesser-Known Traits of the Powerful Great Houses of Westeros

Discover the defining traits of the powerful Great Houses of Westeros including the Starks, Targaryens, Tullys, Lannisters, Baratheons, and more in Game of Thrones Unravel the secrets and legacies that shape the epic saga


The Starks are the first family of Game of Thrones, ruling the North and known for their distinct physical characteristics and unique abilities.

House Targaryen is renowned for their mysterious allure, boasting silver tresses, vibrant purple or light blue eyes, and a lineage marked by both intermarriage and prophetic visions.

House Lannister is characterized by their clever and calculating nature, adorned with golden locks, captivating emerald green eyes, and a heritage shaped by Tywin's relentless pursuit of leaving a lasting legacy.

The Starks are widely regarded as the most prominent family in the Game of Thrones series, and they are the first family to make an appearance on screen. For thousands of years, the North was an independent kingdom until it was conquered by Aegon. House Stark then assumed rule over the region. Initially, Ned served as the Warden and held the title of Lord of Winterfell. In contrast to the Lannisters, who are introduced shortly afterward, the Starks possess distinct characteristics.

King Robert I Baratheon is depicted as strong and physically impressive, highlighting the underlying theme that noble Houses are often identified by specific physical traits, particularly hair color. A significant focus has been placed on Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon's sons in House of the Dragon. Alicent Hightower dismisses Rhaenyra's sons as "plain-featured," as they do not possess the typical Targaryen or Velaryon appearance. Additionally, the Great Houses of Westeros are renowned for their unique attributes and abilities.

House Stark

Unlocking the Secrets: Unveiling the Lesser-Known Traits of the Powerful Great Houses of Westeros

Members of House Stark of Winterfell, including Eddard, his brother Benjen, and his late sister Lyanna, all possessed brown hair. Lyanna, particularly, was described as assertive with a hint of wildness. This wildness was attributed to her having "the wolf blood" by her father, Lord Rickard Stark. In the source material, she was known for having the characteristic long Stark face and grey eyes.

Arya, Ned's daughter, shares similarities with her late aunt in terms of her wild nature. Beautiful and assertive, Arya also possesses tomboyish traits. Additionally, in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, it is suggested that the Stark children are "Skinchangers," each with varying degrees of ability. They have the power to enter the minds of animals and control them. Those who can skinchange into wolves or dogs are referred to as "Wargs." In the books, Ned's children are considered untrained wargs, but the exploration of this ability remains unfinished due to Sansa losing her direwolf, Lady, early on. Both Arya and Jon have dreams in which they see through the eyes of animals. In HBO's Game of Thrones, Bran is the only Stark confirmed to have warging abilities. He can warg into Hodor, controlling him at different points in the show, as well as into Summer and birds.

House Targaryen

Unlocking the Secrets: Unveiling the Lesser-Known Traits of the Powerful Great Houses of Westeros

House Targaryen of Westeros possesses distinct qualities. They are known as the Blood of Old Valyria and claim to possess the blood of the dragon, lending them an alluring air of mystery. The most defining aspect of House Targaryen is their founder's decision to exile his family and settle in Dragonstone a dozen years prior to the cataclysm that destroyed the Valyrian Freehold. Some Targaryens possess the ability to have dreams involving dragons, while others experience visions, with the ruling monarch passing on the closely guarded secret (known as Aegon's dream) to the next in line. In House of the Dragon, Rhaenyra famously states, "It is said that Targaryens are more akin to gods than men..." attributing this belief to their possession of dragons.

Targaryens are known for their distinct hair colors, which range from silver and platinum to gold, complemented by their striking purple or light blue eyes. Another distinguishing characteristic is the prevalence of insanity, believed to be a result of generations of inbreeding. The house also practices unconventional customs, such as marrying siblings to maintain their pure bloodlines, and certain members place greater importance on prophecies than other Westerosi.

House Tully

Unlocking the Secrets: Unveiling the Lesser-Known Traits of the Powerful Great Houses of Westeros

Catelyn Stark, born a Tully, took great pride in her family name. As evidenced by her own appearance, the Tullys of Riverrun boasted fair complexions, auburn hair, and a range of blue eyes.

Catelyn, Lord Hoster's daughter, possessed all the classic traits of a Tully. She was renowned for her beauty, characterized by long, slender fingers, defined cheekbones, and flowing auburn locks. Growing up in the South, she adhered to the Faith of the Seven. In the first episode of Game of Thrones, titled "Winter Is Coming," Catelyn confided in Ned during their visit to the Godswood, expressing a sense of being an outsider in that sacred place.

House Lannister

Unlocking the Secrets: Unveiling the Lesser-Known Traits of the Powerful Great Houses of Westeros

The Lannisters of Casterly Rock embody traits such as cunning, intelligence, and a knack for scheming. Despite being referred to as yellow-haired by Robert Baratheon in Season 1 of Game of Thrones, they possess golden locks. According to the lore, they are described as attractive and fair, with emerald green eyes. The Lannister lineage can be traced back to "Lann the Clever," who cleverly seized control of Casterly Rock from the Casterlys during the Age of Heroes.

Following the passing of his father Tytos, Tywin Lannister became the head of House Lannister, with Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion being his children.

The organizer of the Red Wedding, who claimed that the War of the Five Kings was his final conflict, aimed to establish a lasting reputation and be celebrated among the Westeros elites. Tywin, the cunning and ruthless mastermind, accurately depicted the predicament that Tytos, our predecessor, inflicted upon House Lannister:

Tytos was a decent individual...yet an ineffective one. An ineffectual man who nearly brought ruin upon our House and tarnished our reputation.

House Baratheon

The late King Robert I possessed all the traits of a true Baratheon - he was strong, towering, and formidable. House Baratheon, a relatively new noble family in Westeros, was established by Orys Baratheon, a loyal commander and close companion of Aegon the Conqueror. Members of this House are renowned for their impressive stature, jet-black hair, piercing blue eyes, and strong, chiseled jawlines. Just like their esteemed founder, the Baratheons are famed for their exceptional skills in battle. However, they are also known for their unpredictable temperaments, a characteristic that perfectly embodies the words of their house motto - "Ours is the Fury."

House Martell

Unlocking the Secrets: Unveiling the Lesser-Known Traits of the Powerful Great Houses of Westeros

Renowned for spearheading the Targaryen onslaught on Dorne, King Daeron I held a derogatory view of the Martells, perceiving them as "salty Dornishmen, with mesmerizing dark eyes, lustrous ringlets of hair, and sun-kissed olive complexions." Demonstrating the epitome of refinement and sophistication, Pedro Pascal's portrayal of Oberyn Martell exemplified the noble elite of Dorne.

The Martells can be traced back to Morgan Martell, an adventurous Andal. Elia Martell, Princess of Dorne and Rhaegar Targaryen's first wife, is often depicted as "beautiful" in the legends, characterized by her slim figure and black eyes. In the world of Game of Thrones, it is evident that the Dornish possess a more liberal perspective on sexuality compared to the other realms of Westeros.