Unlocking the Secrets of Game of Thrones' House Words
Discover the captivating House words of the noble families in Game of Thrones From the fiery Targaryens to the steadfast Starks, uncover the intriguing mottos that define each house and their unyielding spirit
The demography of Westeros was drastically altered by the War of the Five Kings and the Last War. Numerous prestigious Houses that prided themselves on their powerful mottos became extinct. Others grew stronger than ever before, while new Houses emerged as influential players. HBO's Game of Thrones revolves around the conflict among nine noble families, each of which has vassal houses under their liege. When Game of Thrones begins, House Baratheon is led by King Robert, who overthrew the rule of the last Targaryen king, Aerys II, and brought forth a new era in Westeros' history. House Baratheon holds the true power behind the throne until King Robert is assassinated by his wife, Cersei Lannister. The Lannisters, in turn, place two puppet kings on the Iron Throne, who happen to be Cersei's sons with her brother, Jaime Lannister.
At the start of Game of Thrones, House Stark serves as the guardians of the North. Lord Eddard Stark, the head of the family, is married to Catelyn from House Tully. Catelyn's father, Lord Hoster, was the ruler of Riverrun and the paramount lord of the Trident region. House Martell governs Dorne and bitterly resents House Lannister for the horrific treatment inflicted upon their daughter, Elia Martell, during the Sack of King's Landing. Elia, who was married to Aerys II's heir, Rhaegar, alongside her children, endured a brutal and tragic fate orchestrated by Tywin Lannister. House Tyrell reigns over the Reach, House Arryn holds dominion over the Vale, and House Greyjoy commands authority over the Iron Islands. The Targaryens, with the exception of Aerys' children Viserys and Daenerys (and later, Rhaegar's son Aegon/Jon Snow), have been eradicated. Viserys and Daenerys spend their lives in exile, and in Game of Thrones' seventh season, the latter arrives in Westeros with the intention of claiming the Iron Throne. Each House demonstrates remarkable bravery through their respective mottoes, as depicted below.
House Targaryen: Fire And Blood
House Martell: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
The Targaryens consolidated the warring kingdoms of Westeros, forming a unified realm. "Fire and Blood," their motto, symbolizes their relentless determination, naked ambition, and triumphs over adversaries. With their dragons, the former ruling dynasty of Westeros maintained control over the Seven Kingdoms. Aegon used Balerion to obliterate the formidable stronghold of Harrenhal, while he and his sister-wives deployed all three dragons to decimate the combined Lannister and Gardener forces in a momentous battle called the Field of Fire. "Fire and Blood" simply signifies that the Targaryens are unafraid to employ fire or shed enemy blood to accomplish their goals. HBO's House of the Dragon centers around House Targaryen, and virtually every Targaryen character epitomizes the essence of "Fire and Blood."
Dorne, the only independent kingdom to withstand the conquest of Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys Targaryen, successfully maintained its autonomy due to the challenging obstacles posed to the invaders. The treacherous mountainous landscape, harsh desert climate, formidable strongholds, and the cunning guerrilla tactics employed by the Dornish forces made it impossible for the Targaryens and their dragons to subdue them. House Martell, the ruling family of Dorne in HBO's Game of Thrones, exemplifies this unyielding spirit and unbreakable determination with their words: "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken." After several unsuccessful attempts to conquer Dorne, the region ultimately became part of the realm through the marriage of Maron Martell and Princess Daenerys Targaryen, a union that solemnized in 187 AC at King's Landing.
House Lannister: Hear Me Roar!
Although the members of House Lannister frequently utter the phrase "A Lannister always pays his debts," their official motto, "Hear Me Roar!" aligns perfectly with their emblem, a golden lion on a crimson background. It encompasses the Lannisters' trepidation, arrogance, and formidable military and financial influence. In the initial stages of HBO's Game of Thrones, House Lannister holds significant power and each member possesses cunning. However, their advantage in the War of the Five Kings dramatically shifts after the assassination of King Joffrey. Tyrion, wielding a crossbow, eliminates his father, Tywin, eludes capture, and pledges loyalty to Daenerys. During the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor, Kevan Lannister and his son, Lancel, meet their demise, while Cersei and Jaime perish in the Battle of King's Landing.
House Arryn: As High As Honor
Jon, the esteemed head of House Arryn, assumed the role of the first Hand of Robert I Baratheon. This noble figure was widely revered throughout Westeros, and he provided guidance and tutelage to both Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon in the Vale. Ned, under Jon's mentorship, grew to embody the same exceptional code of honor as his second father.
The Arryns hold honor and chivalry in high esteem, as is reflected in their motto, "As High as Honor." This phrase encapsulates their unwavering adherence to this cherished virtue. From their unassailable stronghold, the Eyrie, positioned thousands of feet above the valley below, the Arryns govern the people of the Vale. "As High as Honor" also serves as a testament to the formidable strength of the virtuous Arryns, including their valiant knights and their lofty seat of power.
House Baratheon: Ours Is The Fury
House Tyrell: Growing Strong
: Orys Baratheon founded House Baratheon after killing Argilac the Arrogant, the last Storm King who ruled the Stormlands. Rumored to be Aegon the Conqueror's bastard brother and his closest friend and general in the army, Orys married Argilac's only heir, Argella Durrandon, thereby establishing House Baratheon. The Baratheons proudly proclaim "Ours is the Fury" as their words, reflecting their determination to demonstrate their fierceness. Renowned commanders like King Robert and Stannis exemplify the family's skill in warfare. With these abilities, Robert of House Baratheon successfully overthrew the Targaryen dynasty, which had reigned for nearly 300 years, and claimed the Iron Throne for himself.The Battle of the Blackwater saw House Tyrell of Highgarden playing a vital role in assisting the Lannisters to secure victory. The rise of House Tyrell began after the Gardeners, the former rulers of the Reach, were decimated by Aegon during the Field of Fire. Highgarden served as the ruling seat for the Tyrells, but their lineage came to an end when Cersei orchestrated the destruction of the heir, Ser Loras, and Lady Olenna's son, Mace, as well as their granddaughter, Margaery, in the Sept of Baelor. In the aftermath, Jaime led an attack on Highgarden, thereby sentencing the matriarch, Olenna, to death by poison. Although their motto, "Growing Strong," may not have possessed the formidable nature associated with other noble houses of Westeros, it represented their formidable determination. The Tyrells originally served as stewards to the Gardeners, but swiftly rose in both status and wealth during the Conquest. Time saw them grow in strength, ultimately allowing Olenna to lend her support to her granddaughter, Margaery, in her ascent to becoming Queen.
House Tully: Family, Duty, Honor
Catelyn Stark, born a Tully, embraced the values of her House Words, "Family, Duty, Honor," throughout her tenure on Game of Thrones. She remained devoted to her family, faithfully fulfilled her obligations to Ned and the North, and upheld her family's reputation. Guided by virtue, Catelyn relied on her Tully honor when imploring Lord Walder Frey to spare her eldest son, Robb Stark, and vowed not to seek retribution for the tragic events of the Red Wedding.
House Greyjoy: We Do Not Sow
House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands took great pride in their famous words, "We Do Not Sow." This essentially implied that the Ironborn lived a lifestyle similar to pirates and thieves, as they preferred to take from others instead of working diligently like the common folk in the Seven Kingdoms. They would seize what they desired without putting in the effort of tilling or laboring. However, when Yara and Theon Greyjoy formed an alliance with Daenerys, she demanded that they renounce the dishonorable practices of "reaving," "roving," and "raiding." Yara willingly accepted this condition, and the two women sealed the agreement with a handshake.
House Stark: Winter Is Coming
House Stark, widely regarded as the most cherished house in HBO's Game of Thrones, is entrusted with the welfare of the Northerners. Their iconic phrase "Winter Is Coming" serves as a constant reminder to remain vigilant. Moreover, they embody their way of life through the expression "When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." This signifies their belief in the importance of solidarity and mutual care during harsh winters, as they understand that only by sticking together can they overcome the difficulties that come with living in the North. Therefore, their motto serves as a thoughtful preparation rather than a mere display of bravado or a call to arms.