Unlocking the Secrets: How Starfield's Interstellar Journey May Unveil Connections to The Elder Scrolls and Fallout

Unlocking the Secrets: How Starfield's Interstellar Journey May Unveil Connections to The Elder Scrolls and Fallout

Discover an exciting blend of sci-fi and fantasy as Starfield's vast universe offers fans a thrilling opportunity to uncover clever nods and connections to the beloved worlds of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout

Players of Starfield will embark on a galactic adventure to uncover the mysteries of the universe, long after the governments and corporations have moved on from space exploration. With thousands of planets to discover, some barren and procedurally generated, while others hold secrets waiting to be uncovered, players will have ample reasons to thoroughly explore every corner.

Starfield, although different in style and tone, will retain many of the essential RPG elements found in Bethesda's beloved franchises such as Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. These iconic IPs are so integral to the Bethesda legacy that it wouldn't come as a surprise to encounter their influences within Starfield. With its vast scope, these nods could potentially appear anywhere within the game, enriching the overall experience. However, two particular Easter Eggs stand out as the most fitting choices.

Potential Fallout References in Starfield

Unlocking the Secrets: How Starfield's Interstellar Journey May Unveil Connections to The Elder Scrolls and Fallout

Fallout has always embraced the idea of space exploration, making Starfield a natural fit. One of the standout quests in Fallout New Vegas, Come Fly With Me, involved the player overseeing a cult of Ghouls on their mission to travel to another planet. The ending of the quest left the fate of the Ghouls' expedition unknown, but Starfield has the potential to finally provide an answer. Whether it's depicting the Ghoul's ill-fated spacecraft or showing them thriving on their new homeworld, Starfield could resolve this lingering question.

The Fallout series has also featured explicit alien lifeforms, with Fallout 3 introducing the Zetans. Bringing the Zetans into Starfield would not only be a seamless way to reference Fallout, but it would also reward dedicated fans and further connect the two franchises. Even a subtle Easter egg or reference would be sufficient to satisfy many fans.

Potential Elder Scrolls References in Starfield

Unlocking the Secrets: How Starfield's Interstellar Journey May Unveil Connections to The Elder Scrolls and Fallout

Starfield has the opportunity to include Easter Eggs for Fallout, but it could also incorporate references to The Elder Scrolls. One interesting way to do this is by showcasing the planet of Nirn, which is the main setting for The Elder Scrolls games. This could be done subtly by naming one of Starfield's planets Nirn, or by recreating some of its landmass. Tamriel, the iconic province within Nirn, is where most of the TES titles take place. Another possibility is to create a planet in the style of Tamriel, featuring its most well-known locations from either the distant past or future. Additionally, certain races from The Elder Scrolls universe could make an appearance, although they may not be as fully developed as in their original games. Overall, a reference to Nirn would be a pleasing nod to fans.

Starfield's immense scope would be insufficient without incorporating references to other cherished Bethesda intellectual properties. This strategic decision seems so apparent that it becomes a question of which elements Starfield will draw from these franchises, rather than whether it will incorporate them at all.

Mark your calendars for September 6, as Starfield is set to launch on PC and Xbox Series X/S.