Unlocking Eye Chests and Unveiling Every Secret Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Unlocking Eye Chests and Unveiling Every Secret Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Unveil the hidden treasures of Hogwarts Castle in Hogwarts Legacy! Master the art of unlocking Eye Chests in various locations such as the Library Annex, Astronomy Wing, Bell Tower Wing, Grand Staircase, Great Hall, South Wing, and Secret Rooms Discover the secrets within!

As you explore, you will come across numerous Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chests. Unlike providing gear, these decorative chests contain 500 gold, offering a lucrative opportunity to increase your wealth. However, accessing them requires a specific spell. Our guide delves into the topic of Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chests located within Hogwarts Castle.

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How to unlock Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy

Library Annex Eye Chests

Astronomy Wing Eye Chests

Bell Tower Wing Eye Chests

Grand Staircase Eye Chests

Great Hall Eye Chests

South Wing Eye Chests

Secret Rooms Eye Chests

How to unlock Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy

When attempting to approach Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy, these containers will become startled, preventing any interaction. To overcome this, the Disillusionment spell is required, which can be obtained by embarking on the Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest. This quest is initiated early on in the campaign, approximately on your "third day" as a student, based on the grouping of quests.

By activating Disillusionment, you enter stealth mode, allowing you to stealthily approach these objects. Once you are in close proximity, simply press the interact button to open the chests and obtain 500 gold from each one.

In this guide, we will provide detailed information on the castle Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy. We will also highlight the closest fast travel points to assist you with navigation. Please note that we are unable to include a map due to the in-game layout.

Unlocking Eye Chests and Unveiling Every Secret Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Located in the Restricted Section of the Library.

Library Annex Eye Chests

Library - This particular chest is situated in the basement of the Restricted Section, which you will have the opportunity to explore as part of a quest. If you were unable to collect your gold during that time, you can always return at a later point.

Unlocking Eye Chests and Unveiling Every Secret Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Upon spawning in, make your way to the expansive tree located in the rear, and descend the spiral staircase.

Astronomy Wing Eye Chests

Inspect the staircase beneath the tree.

Unlocking Eye Chests and Unveiling Every Secret Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Professor Fig's Classroom can be found hidden in the bathroom. Upon teleporting, you will face the doorway directly.

Astronomy Wing Eye Chests

DADA Tower: Descend the steps to the second floor where you will find this hidden in a corner.

Astronomy Classroom: After facing away from the Floo Flame, proceed towards the far end of the wooden walkway.

Bell Tower Wing Eye Chests

Bell Tower Courtyard - When you come across the Floo Flames teleporter, direct your gaze to the right side. Ascend the steps and proceed through the slender corridor until the container catches your eye.

Hogwarts North Exit - To discover this Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chest, just venture back into the school grounds. Afterwards, investigate the left side of the ramparts.

Flying Class Lawn or Beasts Classroom - You have the option to choose either the fast travel point at Flying Class Lawn or Beasts Classroom. This container can be located above the stone steps that lead back into the castle.

Grand Staircase Eye Chests

Lower Grand Staircase (Kelpie Statue) - As soon as you spawn in, you will be facing a blank wall (resembling the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room). Take a left turn to discover this chest positioned next to the Kelpie Statue.

Lower Grand Staircase (Dungeons) – Proceed in the same manner as previously described, but this time, take a right turn and continue until the very end of the corridor. Subsequently, make another right turn, bypassing the suit of armor. Upon reaching the rear portion of the dungeon, you will come across a locked door which houses the Eye Chest.

Great Hall Eye Chests

Viaduct Courtyard – Starting from the designated fast travel point, ascend the steps and proceed towards the section situated at the back nearest to the castle walls.

South Wing Eye Chests

Boathouse - Upon spawning, veer to the right and take flight. A cave entrance adjacent to a waterfall should come into view. Disembark from your flying apparatus and swim towards the cavern. You will find the chest located at the rear end of the pier.

South Wing Eye Chests

Clock Tower - To obtain this item, engage in the Clock Tower Puzzle. Directly above the clock's hand or pendulum, you will notice four symbols in motion. By utilizing the Glacius spell, you can freeze the clock's movement. Timing your spell near the second symbol will unlock the mechanical door on the second floor. Within the confined space of this room, an Eye Chest awaits.

Faculty Tower - As you ascend the flight of stairs in the Faculty Tower, you will come across a locked room filled with pots and kettles. Inside this room, a legendary chest awaits. In addition, don't forget to explore the adjacent side room, where an Eye Chest can be found.

Secret Rooms Eye Chests

Map Chamber - Positioned directly above the spiral staircase that leads to the lower depths of the castle, you will discover the Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chest. Accessible through the Bell Tower, although the convoluted pathways and indirect route may cause some confusion, persevere and you shall reach your destination.

Here are the Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chests that we have discovered in the castle and surrounding areas. There are still many more to be found in Hogsmeade Village.

Hogwarts Legacy is created by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been surrounded by controversy due to transphobic remarks made by Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not directly involved in the game's development, she stands to benefit from its success. To learn more, read our comprehensive article on the impact of Rowling's comments on the transgender community. In the article, you will also find resources to support trans creators and charities to donate to.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am excited about the upcoming game Hogwarts Legacy. I have been a fan of the Harry Potter series for as long as I can remember, and I am eager to explore the wizarding world in a new way. I think the Eye Chests are a great addition to the game, and I can't wait to find them all.

I also appreciate that the game includes a spell that allows you to become invisible, as this will make it easier to sneak up on the chests and open them without being seen. Overall, I think Hogwarts Legacy is going to be a great game, and I can't wait to play it when it comes out.