Unlock a World of Glittering Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Obtaining Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Unlock a World of Glittering Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Obtaining Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Discover the secrets to obtaining shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep Maximize your chances for shiny encounters and learn how to transfer these rare creatures to Pokemon GO Master the art of catching shinies without the need for a Pokemon GO Plus device

Pokemon Sleep is now available after almost five years since its announcement, allowing players worldwide to catch adorable Pokemon while getting a restful night's sleep. However, as with any new release in the Pokemon game series, many Trainers wonder if shiny Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Sleep. The answer is yes! Shiny forms of Pokemon are indeed featured in the game, alongside various evolutions. However, capturing these shiny Pokemon is no simple task; players will need to rely on sheer luck to come across and befriend these elusive creatures upon waking up.

How to Catch Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Unlock a World of Glittering Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Obtaining Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

In Pokemon Sleep, players can obtain shiny Pokemon through random encounters while they are asleep. The odds of catching a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep are significantly higher than in Pokemon GO, with a chance of approximately 0.2% (1 in 500 encounters). These shiny Pokemon, like other sleep research companions, require special Biscuits to befriend the Trainer. To maximize their chances, players are encouraged to gather a minimum of six regular Biscuits or one Great Biscuit every night.

How to Get More Shiny Pokemon Encounters

Unlock a World of Glittering Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Obtaining Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

To increase the likelihood of encountering shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep, players should aim to enhance Snorlax's Drowsy Power. In this game, the player's sleep points are multiplied by the strength of their Snorlax, resulting in a higher luring score. Consequently, a higher Snorlax score will lead to the appearance of more uncommon Pokemon. For an elevated rate of shiny Pokemon spawns, adhere to the following steps:

During the day, it is recommended to feed Snorlax. Boost its attracting ability and attract a greater number of shiny Pokemon by providing it with Berries and cooked foods.

Make sure to get a minimum of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. By accumulating more sleep scores, players have the ability to enhance Snorlax's power and assist in attracting more elusive encounters.

Stock up on Great Biscuits to ensure shiny Pokemon encounters in Pokemon Sleep. To increase the chances, make sure to have a minimum of six regular biscuits or one Great Biscuit in your inventory.

In Pokemon Sleep, even the slumbering Snorlax can exhibit a shiny appearance. However, it is important to note that players are unable to form a lasting bond with this Pokemon, as every Snorlax departs from the island after a period of seven days, regardless of the circumstances.

Catching Shiny Pokemon without Pokemon GO Plus +

Unlock a World of Glittering Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Obtaining Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Transferring Shiny Pokemon From Pokemon Sleep to GO

Players can now capture shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Sleep even without relying on Niantic's new accessory, Pokémon GO Plus +. To achieve this, players must simply monitor their sleep patterns using their smartphones, keeping their devices near them on their mattresses throughout the night.

Unlock a World of Glittering Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Obtaining Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Regrettably, shiny or regular Pokemon captured in Pokemon Sleep cannot be transferred to a player's Pokemon GO account. The sole advantage of capturing shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep is to complete the Sleep Pokedex and have more proficient Berry-gathering partners.

Pokemon Sleep is available now for mobile devices.