Unleashing Unprecedented Chaos: Ahsoka's Epic Showdown with Grand Admiral Thrawn Shakes Star Wars Galaxy to its Core!

Unleashing Unprecedented Chaos: Ahsoka's Epic Showdown with Grand Admiral Thrawn Shakes Star Wars Galaxy to its Core!

Ahsoka's encounter with Grand Admiral Thrawn creates an unprecedented danger in Star Wars lore, solidifying Thrawn as the most formidable threat the franchise has ever seen

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Ashoka episodes 1 and 2.


Thrawn's experiences from Star Wars Rebels have elevated him to the status of a formidable adversary in the canonical storyline, as his presence in a different galaxy expands the boundaries of the Star Wars universe. Initially originating from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Thrawn's character has been revitalized for the new canon, retaining his exceptional skills as a military strategist and posing a significant danger to both the Rebellion and the New Republic.

Ahsoka's exploration of new galaxies and encounters with extragalactic species is reshaping the history of Star Wars and introducing captivating storylines to the franchise, making it an immensely significant project.

In the upcoming Ahsoka series, the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn poses a major threat to the Star Wars canon continuity. Following the events of Star Wars Rebels, Thrawn and Ezra Bridger were mysteriously transported to an undisclosed region of space by purrgil, leaving Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren with the task of locating them after the fall of the Galactic Empire. The revelation of Thrawn and Bridger's location in the second episode of Ahsoka will expand the scope of the Star Wars canon universe and potentially elevate the Grand Admiral's level of menace to unprecedented heights.

Originally a character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Grand Admiral Thrawn was reimagined in the Rebels series to fit the new canon. Despite this, he is still regarded as one of the most intelligent and skilled military leaders in the Star Wars galaxy, posing a significant threat even to the best and brightest of the Rebellion and the New Republic. Additionally, Thrawn's involvement in Ahsoka hints at an extensive level of experience that surpasses what has been previously shown in the current Star Wars timeline.

Grand Admiral Thrawn Is Officially An Extragalactic Threat

Unleashing Unprecedented Chaos: Ahsoka's Epic Showdown with Grand Admiral Thrawn Shakes Star Wars Galaxy to its Core!

Ahsoka Is The Most Important Star Wars Story Since George Lucas' Prequel Trilogy

Ahsoka Is The Most Important Star Wars Story Since George Lucas' Prequel Trilogy

: Rewriting Star Wars History with Thrawn's Journey to Peridea, an Ancient Extragalactic Discovery

In a captivating twist unveiled in the gripping second episode of Ahsoka, the enigmatic Thrawn finds himself dispatched to Peridea, an extraordinary realm nestled within a different galaxy. Notably renowned by both the formidable Nightsisters of Dathomir and the revered Jedi Order, this elusive location holds secrets that Morgan Elsbeth aims to unearth. Her ambitious quest to retrieve Thrawn from Peridea poses a potential turning point, as the astute Grand Admiral is bound to return to the Star Wars galaxy armed with newfound wisdom and unparalleled encounters. A shimmering glimpse into an unexplored galaxy within the Ahsoka series unveils enthralling prospects for the franchise, as age-old extragalactic beings rescribe the annals of Star Wars history.

Unleashing Unprecedented Chaos: Ahsoka's Epic Showdown with Grand Admiral Thrawn Shakes Star Wars Galaxy to its Core!

Ahsoka is not the first instance where the Star Wars franchise has explored regions beyond the primary galaxy. In the Legends canon, there exist dwarf galaxies that are nearby enough to facilitate travel between them and the main galaxy. Marvel's iconic Star Wars comics, which were among the earliest Legends properties, introduced extragalactic species such as the Nagai and Tof. These species hailed from the dwarf galaxy known as Firefist, which is later referenced in a Jedi Archive computer during the prequel trilogy. Moreover, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, aligned with the CIS, engaged in dealings with civilizations beyond their own galaxy. Additionally, the Yuuzhan Vong invaded from a remote galaxy, and the resurrected Palpatine had plans to expand the Empire to other galaxies in Dark Empire.

Kamino is considered an extragalactic world in the Star Wars canon continuity, though it is recognized as part of Wild Space in Legends. However, the new timeline has mostly focused on the prequel trilogy world and has not explored other galaxies extensively. The Pathway to Peridea in the Star Wars canon will introduce intriguing lore that redefines the history of the main galaxy, potentially setting the stage for Dave Filoni's upcoming Star Wars movie. Alongside the continuation of Ahsoka Tano's story, this makes Ahsoka one of the most significant new Star Wars projects. Catch new episodes of Ahsoka on Disney+ every Tuesday at 6pm PT / 9pm ET.