Unleashing the Ultimate Strategy to Beat Lucas in Resident Evil 7

Unleashing the Ultimate Strategy to Beat Lucas in Resident Evil 7

Prepare for an intense showdown in Resident Evil 7's Not A Hero DLC as you face off against the cunning and dangerous Lucas Baker Follow our guide to emerge victorious in the gripping final battle

Starting The Fight

The final confrontation in Resident Evil 7's Not A Hero DLC requires players to defeat Lucas Baker once and for all, putting an end to the chaotic experiments conducted by the Connections. Emerging from the salt mine, players will find themselves in a research laboratory that has been focusing on studying and experimenting on the molded.

As players explore the lab, they will come across many hidden secrets, shedding light on the main story and uncovering how Lucas got involved with the Connections and their bioweapon research. However, this journey also leads to a daunting showdown with Lucas, posing a great challenge for players to overcome.

Unleashing the Ultimate Strategy to Beat Lucas in Resident Evil 7

As players progress through the halls, they will eventually come across a locked door that requires power. Through the glass windows, Lucas can be seen working feverishly at a computer. To access the power switch, players must turn left at the end of the hall and head through the door. Once the switch is activated, Lucas will dash out of the room and make his escape through the previously locked door.

Be cautious when entering the hallway beyond the power-locked door, as a turret will be guarding the area. Quickly turn left and return to the room where Lucas was previously located. Here, players can gather incendiary grenades and a lock pick. Before the final confrontation, there is also an opportunity to save progress and utilize the storage chest.

Chris faces off against mutated Lucas in intense showdown

The Final Fight

Unleashing the Ultimate Strategy to Beat Lucas in Resident Evil 7

After grabbing the shotgun shells from the locker, continue past the turret and through the door at the end of the hallway. A quick conversation between Chris and Lucas leads to a surprise attack, with Lucas pushing Chris to the ground. In a split-second decision, Chris shoots Lucas in the head, causing him to mutate into a terrifying three-headed behemoth. The ensuing battle is intense and requires quick reflexes and strategic thinking.

Players must be careful not to waste too much time dealing with the spores and instead focus on dealing as much damage as possible to Lucas during this phase. It is recommended to use the RAMROD ammo to stagger him and expose his weak spot for follow-up attacks.

Unleashing the Ultimate Strategy to Beat Lucas in Resident Evil 7

Avoiding Lucas is crucial while keeping an eye out for the green flashing lights on the walls. These lights indicate oxygen stations that players can use to restore their breathing when oxygen levels drop critically low. However, players must use them wisely, as they cannot be used while reloading or healing. Failing to do so can leave players vulnerable to Lucas's attacks, which can inflict significant damage.

The key is to keep your distance and focus on attacking Lucas's weak spot until he staggers and begins to melt. Once he is weakened, Chris will appear and finish him off for good, bringing an end to his twisted game.

Resident Evil 7 is available now on PC and console.