Unleashing the Ultimate Power: Is Gohan Stronger than Goku in Dragon Ball Super?
Dragon Ball Super: Has Gohan Surpassed Goku's Power? Explore the thrilling power-up that Gohan receives and delve into the epic battle of strength between these two iconic characters Find out if Gohan's newfound form truly makes him a formidable opponent for Goku once again
Dragon Ball is a highly successful anime franchise that has captivated fans worldwide due to its unique blend of characters and power system.
Gohan, a character who was once underestimated, has recently undergone a substantial power increase known as Beast Gohan, surpassing even Goku in his formidable state, Master Ultra Instinct.
Although Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, has recognized Gohan's newfound strength, it is improbable for Gohan to replace Goku as the main character. Nevertheless, fans eagerly anticipate seeing Gohan receive greater emphasis in the series.
There are very few manga that receive anime adaptations, and even fewer of those become full-fledged anime franchises. It is even rarer for an anime franchise to become one of the highest-grossing and most successful of all time. However, Dragon Ball defies these odds. With its classic status and the renowned manga author Akira Toriyama at its helm, Dragon Ball is beloved by fans worldwide. Despite the addition of new series over the years since its original airing in 1986, the franchise remains intriguing and captivating due to its unique blend of characters and power system.
This particular aspect of the Dragon Ball franchise adds to its allure for fans. With a multitude of incredibly powerful characters, especially in the ongoing series Dragon Ball Super, new additions such as the Gods of Destruction like Beerus, Jiren, Whis, and Zeno have been introduced. Additionally, Toriyama has given significant power upgrades to beloved original characters like Goku and Vegeta. Recently, Gohan also received a much-needed power boost. The introduction of Gohan's new transformation, known as Beast Gohan, has sparked a debate among fans about whether it is stronger than Goku's most powerful form, Master Ultra Instinct (MUI). Let's settle this debate on behalf of the fans using different terms.
Strength and Power
Goku, the protagonist in Dragon Ball Super, achieved the status of the most powerful immortal after acquiring the Ultra Instinct form from Whis in the Tournament of Power Arc. However, Gohan, who has often been seen as the underdog throughout the franchise, has emerged as a formidable contender, joining his father and Vegeta in the race to become the most powerful mortal. Goku's Ultra Instinct allowed him to defeat Jiren, previously considered the strongest mortal in Universe 11, thereby establishing himself as the new strongest mortal. On the other hand, Gohan, who had been leading a normal life as a professor, was compelled to return to the battlefield due to the threat posed to his family and Earth. Through the guidance of Piccolo and his intense battle with Cell Max, Gohan gained a new transformation known as the Beast Gohan, which significantly surpassed his previous form, Ultimate Gohan.
According to Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball franchise, Gohan is now the strongest Z fighter, surpassing UI Goku and UE Vegeta. Toriyama's statement during the promotion of DBS: Super Hero settles the debate regarding the relative strength of Gohan and Goku after Gohan's transformation into Beast Gohan.
In terms of Storytelling
Despite Gohan being currently stronger than Goku in his maximum form (excluding the latest manga chapters), the story may not explicitly showcase this fact. In order to maintain the fans' interest and align with previous Dragon Ball franchise installments, the creator, Toriyama, and the DBS makers would ensure that Goku remains the central character. It would be odd for a side character like Gohan to overshadow Goku, despite his significance. Moreover, a previous attempt to push Gohan as the protagonist during Dragon Ball Z was unsuccessful due to poor writing, and fans are currently satisfied with Goku in that role.
However, if executed well with a compelling storyline, it could be refreshing for Dragon Ball Super fans to see Gohan temporarily replace Goku as the protagonist, considering his current strength. Even if not as the main character, fans would appreciate seeing Gohan receive the spotlight he deserves for at least one story arc.
Akira Toriyama's Take
Image Source - Toei Animation
Without explaining or noting, here is the rewritten
While fans endlessly debate Gohan and Goku's power levels, Akira Toriyama is clear on his stance. He firmly believes that Gohan surpasses everyone, although he acknowledges that Gohan has not had many opportunities to shine since his big moment during the Cell Games Saga in Dragon Ball Z back in 1993.
Considering Toriyama's perspective on Gohan's character development and the treatment he has received in the Dragon Ball franchise, it is reasonable to argue that Gohan, with his Beast Gohan transformation, is stronger than MUI Goku. However, whether fans will witness Gohan fully surpass his father remains uncertain. Only the progression of Dragon Ball Super's story will reveal Gohan's fate.
Dragon Ball Super is available to stream on Funimation & Crunchyroll.