Unleashing the Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Disabling Guardian Statues in Baldur's Gate 3

Unleashing the Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Disabling Guardian Statues in Baldur's Gate 3

Learn how to take down the formidable Guardian Statues in Baldur's Gate 3 and avoid being mercilessly one-shot Master the art of disabling these powerful foes to increase your chances of survival

In Baldur's Gate 3, players must be cautious of several situations that can lead to instant death. Making a specific choice with the Dying Mind Flayer or shooting certain objects on the Nautiloid will result in immediate death due to explosions capable of wiping out the entire team in one blast.

However, none of these traps compare to the danger posed by the Guardian Statues found in the Underground Passage. Players attempting to sneak past them or search for a disabling panel are at risk of being instantly blown up in a single explosion. If the initial attack doesn't eliminate the entire team, the statues relentlessly continue to fire until there are no survivors.

How To Disable The Guardian Statues

MUST INCLUDE: This article uncovers the outcomes within the game and uncloaks undisclosed facts that the player's character might not be aware of. Gamers who are dedicated to role-playing may prefer to cease reading and explore these discoveries independently.

Unleashing the Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Disabling Guardian Statues in Baldur's Gate 3

Shoot them from far away with a ranged weapon.

To handle the situation effectively, utilize the ranged attack option on the character's bar to shoot at the statues from a distance. Although initially deemed "cheesy," this method regularly proves successful without initiating a fight. For quicker progress, switch to a party member with a stronger ranged attack. Keep in mind that there are multiple Guardian Statues to handle.

While there is speculation within the community about the potential bugs with the Guardian Statues, this has yet to be confirmed. Turning off the three blueish runes does not disable the attacks. Even if successful Stealth roles are performed, the statues remain unaffected. When playing with friends, caution them not to be fooled by the switches and advise them to stick to long-ranged attacks for the time being.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently in Early Access on PC and is set to release on August 3rd, 2023. The PlayStation 5 version will be available on September 6th, 2023, while the Xbox Series X/S version is currently being developed.