Master the Game: Ultimate Tips for Savvy Players in Baldur's Gate 3

Master the Game: Ultimate Tips for Savvy Players in Baldur's Gate 3

Discover the pros and cons of save scumming in Baldur's Gate 3 Uncover the benefits and drawbacks of this controversial gaming tactic in this comprehensive guide

In Baldur's Gate 3, players have the ability to save their progress at any time during the game. This feature allows them to avoid unwanted plot twists and explore different outcomes of their choices. For many gamers, the ability to alter the consequences of their actions is crucial for an enjoyable experience.

However, relying too heavily on quick saves can diminish the importance of decision-making, leading some players to feel less invested in their choices. Both proponents and opponents of save scumming offer compelling arguments, making it difficult to definitively take a stance. This guide aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of save scumming, empowering players to make their own informed decision on how to approach the game.

Why Is It Good to Save Scum in BG3?

Master the Game: Ultimate Tips for Savvy Players in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 presents a plethora of dialogue options and plot twists, making it impossible to unearth them all, even with multiple playthroughs. Save scumming provides players with the opportunity to unveil the consequences of various dialogues within a single playthrough, a crucial feature for those who intend to traverse the game only once.

For numerous players, save scumming serves as a means to evade undesirable outcomes resulting from their decisions. Certain consequences can be so severe that they dampen the interest to continue playing the game. Glitches or peculiar actions from AI can lead to various unexpected events, such as inadvertently losing a painstakingly rescued NPC or unintentionally engaging in a romantic relationship with a character they wished to reject.

Why Players Shouldn't Save Scum in BG3?

Taming the Dice: Why Constantly Saving Is Essential in Baldur's Gate 3

Another reason to always make quick saves is the infamous dice, a source of frustration for countless Baldur's Gate 3 players. This unpredictable element of luck has the power to ruin crucial moments throughout the game, including its ending. Only those who diligently save before each dialogue can hope to gain control over the capriciousness of the dice.

Master the Game: Ultimate Tips for Savvy Players in Baldur's Gate 3

One of the key arguments against save scumming is that accepting the consequences adds depth to the game experience. By embracing the outcomes of their choices, players can truly feel the impact of their actions, leading to more surprising and immersive gameplay. By refraining from using the save scumming feature, gamers can enjoy a completely unique playthrough, allowing them to become fully immersed in the fantasy world rather than simply feeling like an outsider. This heightened level of immersion enhances the overall game experience.

Numerous individuals contributed to the creation of the characters, including artists, scriptwriters, and voice actors, each striving to immerse players in their stories and make them seem real. However, if players excessively rely on save files, it diminishes the characters' genuine reactions to the world, reducing them to mere puppets controlled by the player.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently accessible on PC and PS5, and an Xbox Series X/S version is also in progress.