Unleashing the Power Within: Mastering Close Quarters Combat in Diablo 4

Unleashing the Power Within: Mastering Close Quarters Combat in Diablo 4

Discover the intricacies of Diablo 4's Close Quarters Combat Rogue Passive Unravel the secrets behind this powerful skill and elevate your gameplay to new heights Get ready to dominate the battlefield with this game-changing ability

The Rogue class in Diablo 4 diverges from the Demon Hunter's exclusive focus on ranged attacks in the previous game and instead embraces a more versatile and adaptable combat style, better suited for an agile fighter archetype. This is exemplified within the game through a range of Cutthroat and Marksman skills available to the class.

One notable skill is Close Quarters Combat, a Key Passive that aims to revolutionize the gameplay of characters in Diablo 4. With its emphasis on close-range combat and utilization of both ranged and melee abilities, it encourages players to adopt a thrilling and exhilarating playstyle that remains equally competitive in endgame activities.

Diablo 4: Close Quarters Combat Rogue Passive Explained

Unleashing the Power Within: Mastering Close Quarters Combat in Diablo 4

The Close Quarters Combat Key Passive allows the Rogue to increase their attack speed whenever they use a Cutthroat or Marksman ability. Furthermore, they also gain bonus damage against enemies under Crowd-Control effects when both bonuses are active.

This ability closely resembles the Barbarian's Walking Arsenal Key Passive. Both abilities involve strategically combining different skills to acquire potent buffs, which greatly enhance specific builds. The main distinction lies in the fact that Walking Arsenal provides a substantial increase in damage, whereas Close Quarters Combat offers a combination of attack speed and raw damage per second against adversaries affected by stuns, slows, and similar Crowd-Control effects.

Many Rogue Close Quarters Combat builds rely on utilizing Puncture as the Basic Skill, along with either Flurry or Twisting Blades as the Core Skill. This combination enables players to effortlessly activate attack speed bonuses without the need to waste cooldowns or Energy. Consequently, this playstyle naturally compels players to engage in combat at close range. However, there are strategic approaches that can be employed in builds utilizing Marksman Basic and Core Skills in order to capitalize on this.

Any skill categorized as either Cutthroat or Marksman will trigger the Close Quarters Combat effect, regardless of their skill type. As a result, players can attain the attack speed and damage bonuses by utilizing skills such as Shadow Step, Dash, and Rain of Arrows. In particular, the two Agility skills prove to be exceptionally valuable for hybrid builds that incorporate both melee and ranged gameplay, especially when paired with Rapid Fire or Barrage as Core Skills.

Patch 1.0.3 has enhanced Close Quarters Combat's damage against Crowd-Controlled enemies, increasing it from 20% to 30%. This enhancement provides greater reliability for builds that heavily rely on the Dazed, Stunned, Chilled, Frozen, or Knocked Down status conditions.

Diablo 4 is currently accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.