The anime Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad revolves around a group of Japanese teenagers who come together to form a Rock band, navigating the challenges and obstacles faced by professional musicians. The manga, created by Harold Sakuishi and spanning 38 volumes, tells the band's complete journey, while the anime adaptation by renowned studio Madhouse deserves more recognition.
What truly makes Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad relatable is how the entire band experiences numerous highs and lows, undergoes lineup changes, falls victim to scams at times, and goes through the various struggles that define the careers of Rock bands worldwide. Sakuishi beautifully captures the essence of being an aspiring musician with big dreams, and Madhouse successfully brings that vision to life.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad anime.
All the details about the Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad anime
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To fully enjoy the anime series Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad, it is highly recommended to stream it on Crunchyroll. Being the biggest and most renowned anime streaming platform, Crunchyroll provides the perfect opportunity to explore this series.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the Madhouse anime adaptation of Beck only consists of 26 episodes. Although this falls short of covering the 38 volumes from Sakuishi's manga, it offers a manageable entry point for newcomers who may not be fully convinced by the concept.
Where to watch
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Yukio Tanaka, also known as Koyuki, leads a monotonous life with no excitement for the future. However, everything changes when he encounters a dog named Beck, owned by Ryusuke Minami, an aspiring rock musician. Inspired by Ryusuke's passion, Koyuki decides to pick up an instrument.
Koyuki and Ryusuke forge a strong friendship and together they form a rock band named Beck. With the addition of like-minded band members, they embark on a challenging journey in the music industry. Along the way, they encounter band conflicts, deceitful business people, disappointments, and numerous hardships. The series is replete with the drama and trials of pursuing their musical dreams.
The anime adaptation of The Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad successfully captures the essence of the manga while incorporating music into pivotal moments, enhancing the overall experience. The series revolves around the dynamic relationship between Koyuki and Ryusuke, which undergoes numerous challenges and disagreements. These conflicts often lead to the band's dissolution and subsequent reformation with other musicians, adding to the dramatic nature that has been synonymous with Rock music throughout the years.
What to expect
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The Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad anime is often overlooked due to Madhouse not covering the entire journey of the Beck band. However, this doesn't diminish the fact that it is a fantastic adaptation. This delightful anime captures the essence of music and showcases Koyuki's heartwarming evolution and passion for music. Truly a wholesome and enjoyable experience.