Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Kendall Roy's ruthless nature is revealed through 15 powerful quotes From his unapologetic attitude to his dark sense of humor, these lines showcase his true character


Kendall Roy's ruthless nature and complex character in Succession are highlighted through his brutal quotes, revealing his true self despite his claims of moral superiority.

Kendall's turbulent bond with his father, Logan, captivates by highlighting Kendall's arrogance and the ensuing repercussions it entails.

The evident struggle for Kendall lies in his quest to establish his own identity and earn admiration, as he endeavors to mimic his father's mercilessness, all the while yearning to separate himself from him.

The hit HBO series Succession concluded its four-season run with an abundance of brutal quotes from Kendall Roy, the self-proclaimed eldest son. What sets Succession apart is its ability to create complex characters who continually reveal their intricate nature. Kendall Roy is one such character, displaying multiple facets throughout the entire series. Despite his claims of being more morally upright than his father and siblings, his ruthless nature is evident in numerous quotes, showcasing his unwavering pursuit of personal interests.

Succession revolves around the outrageously wealthy Roy family, with media mogul and CEO of Waystar Royco, Logan Roy (played by Brian Cox), searching for a successor among his children. While the series finale saw the company being handed over to someone outside the family, Logan's second son, Kendall (played by Jeremy Strong), was groomed from birth to inherit the empire. Serving as the emotional core of Succession, Kendall possessed a unique brand of brutality, distinct from his father's calculated ruthlessness, yet undoubtedly influenced by being raised by a man like Logan.

“The Dinosaur Is Having One Last Roar At The Meteor Before It Wipes Him Out.”

Season 1, Episode 4, "Sad Sack Wasp Track"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Amidst the intricate relationship between Logan and Kendall in Succession, their similarities and differences are stark, resulting in some of Kendall Roy's most memorable quotes. In this particular instance, Kendall once again undermines his father, portraying him as a relic of the past. This indicates Kendall's willingness to be ruthless in his perception of his father, though his arrogance may eventually lead to consequences.

"We’ll Get A Funeral Off The Rack. We Can Do Reagan’s With Tweaks."

Season 4, Episode 3, "Connor's Wedding"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Logan Roy's demise in the third episode of season four of Succession left viewers in utter disbelief, despite being alluded to earlier in the series. Each of the Roy siblings reacted differently to the news, but it was evident throughout the episode that Kendall's deep-seated resentment would not stay suppressed. As Shiv and Roman struggle to comprehend the arrangements for Logan's memorial service, Kendall delivers one of his most ruthless quotes. While Kendall's complex emotions toward his father are understandable, this attempt at dark humor exposed the complexity of his feelings surrounding Logan's death.

“You Can’t Put A Value On A Human Life, Except In Our Case, You Rather Precisely Can Because When Trading Opens Tomorrow, We’re Gonna Drop Like A Stone."

Season 1, Episode 2, "Sh*t Show At The F**k Factory"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Amongst the memorable quotes of Kendall Roy from the debut season of Succession, this particular one truly stands out. Interestingly, it showcases a perspective that sharply contradicts Kendall's character growth in the subsequent seasons. In this instance, he perceives individuals as mere tools to be exploited for his own benefit, disregarding their intrinsic value. This ruthlessly pragmatic viewpoint bears a striking resemblance to Logan's mindset, rather than Kendall's.

“My Dad Is A Bastard, They Need To Know I’m A Bastard, Too.”

Season 1, Episode 3, "Lifeboats"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Undoubtedly, Logan Roy is undeniably one of the most frightful characters in Succession, which he repeatedly proves. However, Kendall, too, possesses some semblance of his father's traits, or at the very least, he desires others to perceive him as such. One of Kendall Roy's notable quotes showcases his merciless recognition that, ultimately, he has no choice but to exhibit the same qualities as his father in order to gain respect. Despite his relentless efforts, Kendall never attains success in this endeavor.

"I Can’t Forgive You, But It’s OK And I Love You."

Season 4, Episode 3, "Connor's Wedding"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

All the Roy siblings, except for Connor, had the opportunity to bid farewell to their father over the phone. However, it is Kendall Roy's poignant statement that truly reflects his inability to let go of Logan's wrongdoings. Tom contacts the trio while they are attending Connor's wedding to inform them about Logan's deteriorating health. He holds the phone near Logan, who appears to have already passed away, giving each sibling a chance to speak. After a clumsy attempt by Roman, it is Kendall's turn. Initially, his parting words seem conventional, but the final message his father hears is that Kendall cannot bring himself to forgive him.

“I’m Better Than You. You’re, You Know, I Hate To Say This Because I Love You, But You’re Kind Of Evil.”

Season 3, Episode 8, "Chiantishire"

One of Kendall’s ongoing struggles is whether he wants to emulate his father or distance himself from him entirely. One of the most poignant Kendall Roy quotes not only reflects his acknowledgment of his father's wickedness, as he fearlessly expresses at dinner, but also highlights his desire to mirror his father's actions. Above all, it showcases his capacity for ruthlessness with his words, revealing his deep understanding of his father's lack of moral strength.

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

“Who Said I Never Killed Anyone?”

Season 3, Episode 1, "Secession"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

The sinister smirk on his face as he unleashes one of Kendall Roy's most bone-chilling quotes suggests that he shares a disconcerting resemblance to his father. Succession's most shocking moment occurred early on, when Kendall unintentionally caused the death of a young man who was in his car. This haunting incident continues to plague him. However, his callous remark in this quote hints that he may possess the same lack of morals as his father. It takes an exceptionally merciless and cold-hearted individual to casually allude to such a tragedy, even in the midst of Kendall's intoxication with power.

“Does Anybody Want To Call Their Dad? Ok, Nobody Wants To Talk To Their F***In Dad.”

Season 1, Episode 1, "Celebration"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Struggling to emerge from the shadow of his parents, Kendall sometimes overreacts to any notion that he requires his father's approval to undertake any business endeavors. This tendency, unfortunately, also manifests in his ruthless behavior towards others and results in the utterance of some rather brutal remarks by Kendall Roy. After a deal goes awry, an employee suggests that he should reach out to his father for assistance. Kendall, feeling immediately offended, adopts a condescending tone and proceeds to ask everyone in the conversation if they too feel inclined to consult their fathers. Nevertheless, in the case of this specific Succession deal, it is likely that Kendall should have indeed sought his father's counsel.

“Little Lord F*ckleroy” Has Joined The Call.”

Season 1, Episode 4, "Sad Sack Wasp Trap"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Succession is filled with classic one-liners, especially from Logan who has a knack for delivering great burns. The characters aren't afraid to use colorful language whenever they get the chance. Kendall Roy, in particular, is known for his ruthless and brutal quotes, especially when he feels it's necessary. In this particular quote, he directs that ruthlessness towards himself by using a derogatory name to join a call. While viewers can't help but laugh as the robot repeats this childish name, it also shows that Kendall has reached a point where he doesn't care about other people's opinions in his quest for power.

"So Because We Had So Much F*cking Chicken When We Were Kids I Have To Like The Fascist?"

Season 4, Episode 8, "America Decides"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

The election night episode of Succession was a painfully realistic portrayal, featuring one of Kendall Roy's most brutal quotes. Kendall finds himself torn between opponents Mencken and Jiménez, but not because he supports Mencken politically or personally. Roman attempts to manipulate Kendall into declaring Mencken the winner on the network, reminding him of childhood memories when Kendall would throw tantrums over having chicken for dinner instead of steak. Kendall quickly retaliates, exclaiming, "So just because we had so much damn chicken as kids, I'm supposed to support the fascist?"

“All I Am Asking Is For Us To Move Forward From A Position Of Truth.”

Season 3, Episode 2, "Mass In Time Of War"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

Kendall, much like the other captivating characters in this series, embodies a fascinating paradox. While his ultimate goal is to overthrow his father, resulting in the occasional harsh Kendall Roy remark, he grapples with his own morality. His actions often demonstrate a ruthless streak as he manipulates his ethical outrage. This quote illustrates his willingness to employ deceitful reasoning to persuade his family to comply with his demands. Shiv offers a clever retort, questioning whether they will be excluded from the kingdom of heaven if they refuse to accept the one truth.

“I’m Just Really Happy In My Headspace And I Hope They’re Happy In Theirs.”

Season 3, Episode 3, "The Disruption"

The rivalry amongst the siblings is undeniably one of the most captivating aspects of the series, and it frequently results in the most memorable quotes from Kendall Roy. In season 3 of Succession, while most of the children align themselves with Logan, Kendall chooses to go his own way. Through this quote, he reveals his detached approach to their relationship. Throughout a significant portion of the third season, he appears more than willing to sacrifice his siblings if it means advancing his own interests. Despite any moral stance he may uphold, his personal ambitions consistently take precedence over everything else.

"I’m Telling You, New Money. You Gotta Hold Those Fresh Bills To The Light."

Season 4, Episode 7, "Tailgate Party"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

During the election party, Kendall clearly expresses his strong dislike for Matsson. Following an appalling incident involving Ebba, she discloses to Roman and Kendall that GoJo is facing some numerical issues. Immediately, Kendall decides to inform Shiv about this, as she is aiming to establish a connection with Matsson in order to secure her future influence at Waystar Royco. In one of Kendall Roy's most ruthless remarks, he asserts to Shiv that Matsson must be manipulating the numbers at GoJo. He then casually mentions Matsson's new wealth, once again emphasizing the unwavering belief of the Roy children in their inherited fortune.

“Look At You. You’re 600 Years Old And You Pissed Off Your F*cking Boyfriend, The President.”

Season 3, Episode 4, "Lion In The Meadow"

Logan possesses a profound understanding of the dynamics of power. Despite this, he often manages to alienate those who should be his allies. Kendall capitalizes on this vulnerability, revealing his ruthlessness by utilizing one of the most merciless quotes from Kendall Roy. In fact, Kendall seizes every opportunity to provoke and irritate his father, utilizing an arsenal of rhetorical tactics, all with the intention of pushing Logan to the point of making a fatal error. Kendall's unrelenting pursuit of power demonstrates boundless ambition, and he shares more similarities with his father than he may care to admit.

"I’m The Eldest Boy!"

Season 4, Episode 10, "With Open Eyes"

Unleashing the Beast: 15 Kendall Roy Quotes That Redefine Ruthlessness

The CEO of Waystar Royco was finally revealed in the epic conclusion of the Succession series. However, before this pivotal moment, a fiery battle unfolded between the siblings during the voting process. As the decision came down to a tie between Tom and Kendall, Shiv emerged as the deciding vote. Overwhelmed, she abruptly exits the room, leaving Kendall to passionately plead his case. Desperate to gain support, Kendall resorted to declaring that his position as the eldest son makes him deserving of the role. Shiv couldn't help but laugh at this outburst, which served as a stark reminder of the underlying issues that both Kendall and the business itself face.