Unleashing Russia's Mighty Heroes in Black Widow 2 Fan Poster: A Jaw-Dropping Marvel Crossover!

Unleashing Russia's Mighty Heroes in Black Widow 2 Fan Poster: A Jaw-Dropping Marvel Crossover!

Get ready for an epic addition to the MCU! Black Widow 2 unveils an electrifying fan poster, introducing the formidable Winter Guard - Russia's Avengers Brace yourself for an action-packed team-up like never before


Black Widow 2 could be the present-day MCU adventure that the original film couldn't do, potentially continuing Natasha's story through the character of Yelena Belova.

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Florence Pugh's Yelena Belova takes up the Avenger's mantle in the fan poster of Black Widow 2, while the Winter Guard, a Russian superhero team, is introduced. The Winter Guard, consisting of Red Guardian and Ursa Major, has already been hinted at in the MCU. Their involvement in defeating Kang the Conqueror in the comics hints at a possible link to the upcoming Avengers film.

Russia's Avengers have made their way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with an impressive fan poster for Black Widow 2. After Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanoff made her debut in the MCU several years ago, fans finally got to see her in a solo film with 2021's Black Widow. However, since the movie was a prequel and Natasha had already died in Avengers: Endgame, it couldn't deliver a present-day MCU adventure. That's where Black Widow 2 comes in, potentially offering the thrilling story that fans have been waiting for. Digital artist u/BenSolo_Cup took to Reddit to share an exciting fan poster, featuring Florence Pugh's Yelena Belova as the star of the film.

How Winter Guard Was Already Teased In The MCU

: Natasha's death in the Marvel Cinematic Universe opens the door for Yelena to take up the mantle of the Avenger in the promotional poster for Black Widow 2. Alongside her, the fan-made poster introduces the Winter Guard, a team from the comics, consisting of both MCU newcomers and familiar faces like Red Guardian portrayed by David Harbour, and Melina Vostokoff played by Rachel Weisz.

Unleashing Russia's Mighty Heroes in Black Widow 2 Fan Poster: A Jaw-Dropping Marvel Crossover!

The Soviet Super Soldiers, later known as the Winter Guard in the comic books, is Russia's top superhero team, often compared to the Avengers. Originally led by Red Guardian, the team consisted of Darkstar, Vanguard, Sibercat, Vostok, Fantasia, and Power Surge. Throughout the years, the lineup has undergone changes, introducing Crimson Dynamo and Ursa Major as additional members.

Harbour's Red Guardian and Ursa Major have already made their appearances in the MCU. Olivier Richters portrayed Mikhail Uriokovitch, also known as Ursa Major, in Black Widow's prison scene, where he engaged in an arm wrestling match and had a conversation with Red Guardian. The fact that Black Widow introduced these two team members may not be a mere coincidence, as the Winter Guard played a significant role in defeating Kang the Conqueror in the Marvel Comics storyline titled Kang Dynasty, which happens to have the same name as the upcoming Avengers film in the MCU.

Since Johansson will not be reprising her role as Black Widow, there is a possibility that Pugh's Yelena Belova could carry on her late sister's legacy and assume the mantle of Black Widow after her appearance in the film Thunderbolts next year. The movie could conclude by setting the stage for Yelena's full-fledged entrance as the new iteration of the Avenger in Black Widow 2. The sequel could also introduce the Winter Guard as a preparation for Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, which has recently been postponed to 2026. This delay allows for the potential debut of Black Widow 2 before the aforementioned Avengers film.

Source: u/BenSolo_Cup/Reddit