Unleashing Gohan's Full Potential in Dragon Ball FighterZ: The Ultimate Guide
Unleash Gohan's true potential in Dragon Ball FighterZ! Discover the power of each level, from 1 to 7, and witness Gohan's transformation into one of the game's mightiest characters Explore the incredible abilities and benefits that come with Gohan's Potential Unleashed
Adult Gohan possesses one of the highest skill ceilings among all the characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ. While the base game roster lacks fighters with a diverse range of moves and mechanics like the DLC characters (such as UI Goku), Adult Gohan stands as an exception.
With the assistance of Adult Gohan's Potential Unleashed Super, players can tap into seven distinct transformation levels that not only grant damage enhancements but also unlock unprecedented combo possibilities. By utilizing his Potential Unleashed skill, Adult Gohan can execute visually captivating combos that effortlessly deplete opponents' health bars.
Each level of Potential Unleashed costs one bar of Ki.
Potential Unleashed Levels, Explained
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Level 1
Players can access the first level of Potential Unleashed by executing the input 236L+M (236R1 for the controller). Alternatively, gamers can use 236H+S (236R2 for the controller) and hold H+S (R2) to unlock multiple levels of Potential Unleashed simultaneously.
Upon reaching the first level of this transformation, Gohan immediately gains a wider range of options and moves in his arsenal. For instance, his initial ground combo as Adult Gohan undergoes modifications, resulting in increased damage inflicted upon the enemy and leaving them susceptible to Supers or other attacks. This is what Level 1 accomplishes:
Ground light combo is modified.
Machine Gun Punch is unlocked (3L).
The Light Jet Uppercut gains increased speed and reduced recovery time. The Medium and Heavy versions now also cover a greater horizontal distance.
The Machine Gun Kick now delivers quicker successive hits. Holding down the move during the Medium and Heavy versions results in increased travel distance, while the Heavy version remains active for a longer duration and deals double the number of hits.
Ultimate Back Attack now tracks automatically with teleportation.
Masenko gains two more hits.
Level 2
Upon reaching Level 2 of Potential Unleashed, Gohan gains access to damage boosts. Level 2 is typically surpassed by players as they progress, utilizing a minimum of two bars of Ki to reach Level 3 of Potential Unleashed. However, if players possess at least two bars of Ki prior to transformation, they have the option to activate and hold down the Potential Unleashed Super, thereby attaining Level 2. This empowers the player with all the benefits of Level 1, in addition to the damage boost of Level 2.
2% damage increase.
Medium and heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.
Level 3
At this juncture, Gohan boldly ventures into defying the regulations of the game. The attainment of Potential Unleashed Level Three grants Gohan the ability to execute a second airdash. Consequently, he now possesses the option to either perform two consecutive airdashes or execute a double-jump followed by a single airdash.
Players will now have the ability to perform a second airdash.
2% damage increase.
Medium and heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.
Level 4
Similar to Potential Unleashed Level Two, Level Four is often bypassed. It grants players an increase in damage and allows them to execute an additional strike when performing the powerful variant of Jet Uppercut. However, it is highly recommended for players to utilize all four bars of Ki in order to swiftly obtain this level.
Level Four of Potential Unleashed boosts Gohan's damage output by an additional 2%, bringing the total damage increase to 6% thus far. The inclusion of Jet Uppercut (heavy variant) grants Gohan the opportunity to build up combo counts and possibly extend combos with the help of assists.
Heavy Jet Uppercut gets one additional hit.
Level 5
At Level Five, Gohan reveals his true threat to his adversaries by gaining complete control over Reverse Beat. Among the three characters capable of harnessing Reverse Beat's power, Gohan stands out as the only one able to sustain its ability. Vegito and Golden Frieza, the other two, can only utilize Reverse Beat's effects to a limited extent. Reverse Beat empowers Gohan to effortlessly transition from regular normal attacks to previously unused moves in his combo sequence. As a result, Gohan's combo potential soars to new heights.
2% damage increase.
Heavy Jet Uppercut gets one additional hit.
Players gain access to Reverse Beat.
Level 6
Level 6 doesn't grant Gohan any additional features that are important to note. Its bonuses are exactly the same as those received at Potential Unleashed Level 4:
2% damage increase.
Heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.
Level 7
At Level Seven, opponents might as well surrender. Adult Gohan, with a 10% boost in damage overall, now possesses the absolute authority to completely disrupt the game according to his wishes.
Upon reaching Potential Unleashed Level Seven, Gohan gains the ability to seamlessly transition from one special move to another, whether it be on block or hit (provided the moves have not been employed in the same combo already). With this newfound capability, Gohan can fully unleash the true potential of his moves, perform two consecutive airdashes, employ the Reverse Beat technique, and flawlessly chain one special move into another. Without a doubt, he stands as an exceptional talent within this demanding fighting game.
Heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.
Players gain the ability to cancel specials into other specials (that haven't been used in the string).
What Does Gohan's Potential Unleashed Do?
Gohan becomes incredibly powerful in Dragon Ball FighterZ when his Potential Unleashed Super is activated. This Super not only increases his damage output, but also allows him to perform moves that break the game's limitations, making him a formidable opponent.
If you're a dedicated Adult Gohan player, it is crucial to fully utilize the benefits of Potential Unleashed, as it is what elevates Gohan to a top-tier character. After reaching Level Seven, Gohan gains access to a range of enhancements and abilities that are unlocked by activating Potential Unleashed.
10% damage increase
Modified ground light combo
Gohan now has access to Machine Gun Punch.
Faster light Jet Uppercut with quicker recovery.
Medium and heavy Jet Uppercuts have a greater horizontal range when compared to others.
Machine Gun Kick has a quicker kicking speed. Moreover, when held, the medium and heavy versions of Machine Gun Kick cover a greater distance, and the heavy version remains active for a longer duration while delivering double the number of hits.
Medium Jet Uppercut gains three additional hits.
Heavy Jet Uppercut gains seven additional hits.
Ultimate Back Attack now allows Gohan to teleport while tracking opponents anywhere on the stage.
Masenko gains two additional hits.
Gohan gains access to two airdashes.
Gohan gains full access to Reverse Beat.
Gohan can cancel specials into other special moves.
Dragon Ball FighterZ is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.