Unleash the Power of the Legendary Orange Piccolo in Dragon Ball FighterZ Mod
A talented modder brings a thrilling addition to Dragon Ball FighterZ, introducing Orange Piccolo as a custom character in the game's roster Experience the latest transformation of Piccolo and discover new exciting gameplay possibilities
Dragon Ball FighterZ's modding community remains active, with fans creating their own versions of iconic characters and adding new ones.
A mod inspired by the transformation of Orange Piccolo in the recent Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero film, has been developed for the game.
Renowned modder RCBurrito has created distinctive moveset modifications for different characters, including Orange Piccolo, in order to showcase their progress and expertise in modding.
A modder for Dragon Ball FighterZ has created a mod featuring Orange Piccolo, the Namekian's latest transformation from the recent film Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. The modding community for Dragon Ball FighterZ remains highly active, even after more than five years since the game's original release. Fans have enthusiastically developed their own versions of iconic characters from the franchise as well as introducing new characters from various anime and video games.
Character mods for Dragon Ball FighterZ are immensely popular among fans who enjoy experimenting with new content. This includes incorporating specific character transformations as separate playable characters, such as Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta replacing his Blue form or Trunks being swapped with Tapion from the 13th DBZ movie. Given the wide array of transformations experienced by certain characters, it comes as no surprise that fans are eager to add their favorites to FighterZ. Some fans even go the extra mile by creating custom movesets for their added characters, rather than simply swapping models. This holds true for Piccolo's new Orange transformation from the latest movie.
The Dragon Ball FighterZ mod, created by RCBurrito, includes a trailer showcasing its features. One notable addition is the custom cinematic transformation of Piccolo, referred to as the Orange Piccolo. This form grants Piccolo an increase in height and bulkiness compared to his normal state. The mod incorporates Orange Piccolo's unique moveset, which features slower yet more powerful strikes and grappling techniques reminiscent of Android 16. Notably, the mod incorporates techniques from different characters in the game to suit Orange Piccolo's style. Additionally, the mod introduces a distinctive level three super move called Apocalyptic Burst, which activates when Piccolo launches a kick followed by a ki attack on the opponent. The mod provides a comprehensive list of moves and their corresponding commands within the game or through a text file.
RCBurrito stands out in the FighterZ community as a notable modder, thanks to their impressive collection of unique moveset mods. They have created custom FighterZ movesets for characters such as Super Saiyan God Goku, Raditz, and even Beast Gohan, who have yet to be officially added to the game. Other modders have recognized and appreciated RCBurrito's progress, exemplified by Orange Piccolo's demonstration of their growth from when they first started.
Dragon Ball FighterZ is currently available on PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One, and we can look forward to its release on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, as versions for these platforms are currently being developed.
Source: GameBanana