Released alongside Overwatch 2, Kiriko quickly became a beloved character. However, fans have been facing issues with one of her abilities, which frequently displaces them beyond the map boundaries. Overwatch 2 has been plagued by numerous bugs in recent seasons, and Kiriko's self-teleporting Swift Step ability has been particularly problematic.
As one of the newest support heroes in Overwatch 2, Kiriko offers versatility with her range of magical abilities. She excels in balancing healing and damage output, utilizing her healing ofuda and throwable kunai to reward skilled players. Additionally, she possesses the powerful Protection Suzu, granting temporary immunity to allies. Like other Japanese heroes in Overwatch 2, Kiriko can climb walls and obstacles, but she also has the unique capability of teleporting directly to her allied teammates. This ability proves invaluable in reaching distressed teammates and serves as a reliable escape route for Kiriko.
Despite initial appearances, recent seasons of Overwatch 2 have revealed several issues with Kiriko's Swift Step ability, making it malfunction in various ways due to bugs. Players have reported multiple issues with this ability, such as the inability to teleport to crouched tanks or teammates on uneven or moving surfaces. These issues are not limited to that, as a Reddit user named jcts0407 recently posted a video showing Kiriko teleporting through the map floor while attempting to Swift Step to a tank, leading to them being outside the map boundaries and falling to their death.
Although Blizzard had claimed to have fixed the issues with Kiriko's movement ability during the release of Season 4 in April, numerous clips and complaints from the Overwatch 2 community prove that the teleportation ability is still far from being bug-free. Kiriko seems to be particularly affected by these bugs, and while other heroes in Overwatch 2 are also experiencing their own problems, certain glitches in the past have been so severe that they resulted in temporarily removing specific heroes from the game.
The fifth season of Overwatch 2, which was recently released, aimed to fix numerous existing bugs. However, it seems that along with the new content introduced, several new issues have emerged. These include texture bugs that create strange patterns on heroes' skins and a glitch that temporarily removed an entire map from the game. It is evident that Overwatch 2 is still facing challenges and Blizzard has more work ahead of them to provide the seamless experience that fans are anticipating.
Overwatch 2 can be played on various platforms including PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.