Unleash the Force with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor DLC

Unleash the Force with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor DLC

Unlock the full potential of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor with exclusive DLC Immerse yourself in a brand new storyline and customize your gameplay experience like never before Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your Jedi journey

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was a breath of fresh air for fans of the franchise who had been eagerly awaiting a single-player game. After several project cancellations and disappointments, Respawn Entertainment delivered an exceptional gaming experience. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has taken the success of its predecessor to the next level with an engaging story, tight gameplay, and deep customization systems. Fans are now eagerly anticipating what's next for the franchise.

Respawn has hinted that it would like to create a trilogy of Star Wars Jedi games. However, there is also an opportunity to expand on the content within Survivor. Throughout the game, Cal and his companions undergo significant personal growth and struggle to find their place in the galaxy. The customization options available for Cal, including his outfit and lightsaber, are also a standout feature. These elements could inspire a wealth of DLC that Respawn would be remiss not to explore.

New Story DLC in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Unleash the Force with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor DLC

After his adventure for the lost world of Tanalorr, Cal Kestis was left grappling with his fight against the Empire, his complicated relationship with the Force, and the betrayal of a close ally. As Star Wars Jedi: Survivor came to a close, fans were left with many questions about what the future holds for Cal and the Mantis crew. Could story DLC be the answer to some of these questions? By exploring Cal's new role as a Jedi and his struggle with the dark side, a DLC could offer a fresh take on the series while still leaving room for future storytelling. One possible storyline could see Cal, Merrin, and Greez using their access to Tanalorr to save those persecuted by the Empire across the galaxy, introducing exciting new planets and environments along the way. As Cal grapples with his own inner demons, Merrin could once again guide him back to the light.

New Customization DLC in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Unleash the Force with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor DLC

Respawn's customization options in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor surpass those in Fallen Order with an abundance of choices for players to alter Cal's outfit, lightsaber, and blaster. Fans have taken notice of this standout feature, and the potential for DLC cosmetics is vast. Respawn could easily capitalize on the demand for new lightsaber blade colors and hilt pieces inspired by iconic Jedi from the Star Wars universe. The success of Survivor has paved the way for future expansions, and with continued financial support, the third game in the series could surpass even its predecessor.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.