Unleash the Enchantment: Mastering the Witch Broom in Fortnitemares 2023
Ride the Witch Broom in Fortnite during Fortnitemares 2023! Unleash your inner witch as you soar through the sky Discover where to find this life-saving item and cackle your way to victory
A thrilling Fortnite event, Fortnitemares 2023, is coming to the island. Besides exciting collaborations with popular horror icons, Fortnite introduces game-changing weapons and items that can turn the tide of battles and allow players to achieve a Victory Royale, establishing themselves as the reigning King or Queen of Fortnite across its numerous seasons.
One notable addition to Fortnitemares is the Witch Broom, a Mythic item that players can discover. This potent tool empowers players to launch into the sky, obtaining a strategic advantage over their adversaries or making a narrow escape from a potentially deadly confrontation.
Where To Get The Witch Broom
The Witch Broom, a mode of transportation in Fortnite, allows players to soar through the sky with a hint of mischief. It can be discovered randomly as ground loot or inside chests. Alternatively, fortunate players may unlock the Witchy Warrior Augment, granting them instant access to the Witch Broom and reducing its cooldown to 16 seconds. These are the exclusive means to acquire and utilize the Witch Broom to evade Chapter 4, Season 4's daring heists.
The Witch Broom doesn't provide much distance for players and is quite easy to shoot down once it's in the air. It functions more like a surfboard glider, with players relying on their opponents' poor aiming skills to escape. The Witch Broom can only be used once every 20 seconds.
Fortnite has introduced better Mythic items for traversing the map. Veterans will remember other infamous items that surpassed the Witch Broom in terms of effectiveness. However, this item aligns with the Fortnitemares theme. It shouldn't be relied upon to save you in a tight spot or assist in potion crafting.
Platform(s) PC, iOS, Mobile, Xbox One, Android, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, SwitchReleased July 25, 2017Developer(s) Epic Games