Unleash Sonic Mayhem: Master the Speaker Reconfiguration in Payday 3's Cradle Heist!

Unleash Sonic Mayhem: Master the Speaker Reconfiguration in Payday 3's Cradle Heist!

Gain control of the club's music to eliminate the VIP room bouncer in Payday 3's Rock the Cradle heist Learn how to reconfigure the speakers and effectively deal with this obstacle

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Reconfiguring the Speakers

Dealing with the Bouncer

Reconfiguring the Speakers

In the fourth heist of Payday 3, called Rock the Cradle, players will need to devise a plan to divert the attention of the bouncer guarding the VIP room. This will enable them to gain entry to the lower levels of the club. By assuming control of the DJ booth and manipulating the speakers and music, players can effectively divert the bouncer's attention and obtain the coveted blue keycard required for the Rock the Cradle heist in Payday 3.

Unleash Sonic Mayhem: Master the Speaker Reconfiguration in Payday 3's Cradle Heist!

Across from the entrance to the VIP room, there is a locked door that grants access to a staircase leading to the second floor. This door can be opened to reveal a pathway that takes players to the artist catwalk where the DJ booth is situated. In case players choose to go left after exiting the stairwell, they will find another staircase at the back of the catwalk which leads up to the rafters. To gain access to the club speakers, players must put on masks, vault over the stantion rope, and make their way upstairs.

Unleash Sonic Mayhem: Master the Speaker Reconfiguration in Payday 3's Cradle Heist!

Two security cameras monitor the upstairs walkway, but they can easily be disabled with a suppressed weapon. To avoid arousing suspicion from the patrons in the balconies below, it is crucial to move stealthily and maintain a crouched position. Once the cameras have been neutralized, proceed cautiously along the railing to access each speaker setup and reconfigure them accordingly. Once all four speakers have been tampered with, return to the DJ booth, apprehend the DJ, and discreetly restrain him out of sight. Proceed to the mixing deck and manipulate the DJ equipment to modify the music.

Dealing with the Bouncer

Unleash Sonic Mayhem: Master the Speaker Reconfiguration in Payday 3's Cradle Heist!

Once the music changes, the bouncer will come up to the booth to investigate. Prepare to overpower him as soon as he arrives to prevent him from triggering the alarm. Tie him up and take the blue keycard from his belt, remembering to respond to his radio when security checks in. Stay vigilant for the manager who may also come upstairs, and subdue her if she appears.

With the blue keycard in your possession, go back downstairs to the club's main floor and make your way to the VIP room. The bartender and other security personnel who were previously in the area will have left, allowing you to discreetly go behind the bar and the curtains to reach the blue keypad without alerting nearby club-goers. Swipe the keycard and descend downstairs into the VIP area.

Payday 3 is available now on PC, Playstation, and Xbox.