Unleash Lightning-Fast Mounts with This Insane Diablo 4 Trick

Unleash Lightning-Fast Mounts with This Insane Diablo 4 Trick

Unleash the power of speed in Diablo 4 with this game-changing trick! Explore the vast and diverse regions of the game at lightning-fast speeds with ease, thanks to this helpful tip from a seasoned fan

A Diablo 4 enthusiast recently shared a nifty trick to enhance mount speed by discovering that the Spur ability on players' mount is linked to the location of their mouse cursor on the screen. Mounts were introduced by Blizzard in Diablo 4, allowing players to travel across the game's five distinct continents at an accelerated pace. In the absence of the fast travel system, mounts serve as the best mode of transportation in the game.

Diablo 4, the latest installment in Blizzard's legendary ARPG series, empowers players to carve their own path across the world of Sanctuary by selecting one of five classes: Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Sorcerer, and Druid, each retaining their unique identities. The game's open world is home to familiar adversaries such as skeletons, ghouls, and vampires. Early impressions from those who pre-ordered the Deluxe and Ultimate Editions of Diablo 4 have been overwhelmingly positive, with players lauding the game's improved combat, gear, and loot system.

A Reddit user with the handle FloridaMan156, who is a fan of Diablo 4, recently made an interesting discovery regarding the Spur's movement speed bonus. According to the user, the bonus is actually dependent on the distance between the player's mouse cursor and their camera. This means that if the player activates the mount ability without moving their cursor away from their character, they won't gain any speed boost. However, if they move their cursor away, they will experience a significant increase in movement speed. This revelation caused some players to mistakenly assume that the game was experiencing bugs or glitches.

Unfortunately, the launch of Diablo 4 has been far from smooth, with numerous players reporting issues such as login errors, glitches, and long queue times. Additionally, some Xbox and PlayStation users encountered license errors that prevented them from playing the game. Thankfully, Blizzard has been quick to address these problems and prevent further complications.

Several Diablo 4 fans have taken to the game's Reddit page to voice their suggestions for enhancing the overall gaming experience. Some players are advocating for map overlays and a revamped camera system. There has also been controversy surrounding the game's inventory system, particularly regarding the issue of gems taking up too much space. Some fans are calling for Blizzard to introduce a separate tab for gems. It is yet to be seen whether Blizzard will incorporate quality-of-life improvements based on community feedback. Diablo 4 can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.