Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Unforgettable connections that left us craving more These 10 TV character pairings possess such extraordinary chemistry, they deserved to be endgame Prepare to be captivated by the intensity and allure of these unforgettable duos


TV shows often tease audiences with will they/won't they relationships that never fully play out, leaving fans unsatisfied with the lack of closure.

Certain TV shows captivate viewers by intentionally withholding a happily ever after for certain relationships, even in the final episode. Buffy and Spike, Kate and Sawyer, and Castiel and Dean, among others, were potential endgame romances in their respective series.

One of the most captivating aspects of any TV series is the relationships they depict. While some shows successfully satisfy viewers by pairing their most popular couples, others miss the opportunity to do so. The practice of fans "shipping" couples on screen has been prevalent for a while, but in today's era of fan-fiction and the ability to explore love stories that were never fully shown on screen, shipping has reached its peak. Whether it's the newer ships like Wednesday and Enid or the desire to see Nancy and Steve reunite on Stranger Things, the undeniable chemistry between two TV characters gives fans hope for a happy ending together. However, this hope is not always fulfilled.

There are numerous couples in TV shows that have a constant back-and-forth dynamic, leaving the audience guessing whether they will end up together or not. Many shows acknowledge this and finally bring the couple together by the end of the series. On the other hand, even some of the greatest TV shows choose to keep viewers hooked, even after the series concludes. Whether it's because the characters had a brief moment of dating that was ruined, or their on-screen chemistry was intense but never officially acknowledged in the show, there are some TV relationships that deserved a happily ever after ending.

10 Lena And Kara - Supergirl

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

9 Clarke And Bellamy - The 100

Lena Luthor's family may be characterized by chaos, but as an individual, she underwent tremendous personal growth throughout the course of the Supergirl series. Setting herself apart from her family members, Lena utilized her exceptional intelligence to assist superheroes like Kara and ultimately became a close and trusted friend. Lena and Kara shared a powerful bond, and although their relationship never explicitly hinted at romance, fans affectionately created the ship name 'Supercorp' to symbolize the connection between Supergirl and Luthor Corp. These two formidable and resilient women had the potential to form an incredible power couple, making it all the more disappointing that this dynamic was never explored on screen prior to Supergirl's conclusion.

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Clarke and Bellamy's journey went from enemies to friends, then enemies again, and ultimately to best friends. Their bond grew stronger over time through numerous encounters. However, their relationship took an unexpected turn when Bellamy joined the Disciples, causing a rift between them. This eventually led to Clarke making the devastating decision to kill Bellamy, a choice driven by complex emotions and the belief that he was no longer the person she once knew. It was a tragic end to what could have been a beautiful and lasting connection.

8 Castiel And Dean - Supernatural

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Dean, known for his reputation as a ladies' man, never found a place where he could truly settle down amidst his demon and monster hunting escapades in Supernatural. It's possible that he had been searching in the wrong places all along. Castiel, the angel who became a steadfast companion to the Winchesters starting from season 4, is widely regarded as Dean's ideal partner. The desire for a romantic relationship between them, known as Destiel, has been fervently expressed through fan fiction. In the finale, Castiel finally confesses his true feelings for Dean. Although their relationship remains platonic, Destiel may have been the fulfilling and enduring connection that Dean had been longing for.

7 Robin And Barney - How I Met Your Mother

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Barney, known for his prowess with women, remained single for most of HIMYM. However, he eventually found his perfect match in Robin. He left behind his bachelor lifestyle and committed to a relationship with his longtime friend. Their connection seemed destined to endure, even leading to a two-part episode focused on Robin and Barney's wedding. Surprisingly, the story takes a dramatic turn in the final sequence, revealing the downfall of their relationship and the tragic loss of Ted's wife. This unexpected twist ultimately culminates in Ted and Robin ending up together.

This proved extremely unpopular with fans, resulting in the finale of How I Met Your Mother being one of the most polarizing among all shows. The creators of HIMYM recognized this and consequently developed an alternate ending in which Ted ultimately achieves his happily ever after, rather than employing a cheap twist. Officially, however, the show's last-minute twist insisted that Robin and Barney were meant to be together.

6 Sawyer And Kate - Lost

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Sawyer, Kate, Jack, and Juliet formed one of the most intricate love quadrangles on television in Lost. Throughout the series, their relationships experienced complicated ups and downs. At times, Kate unfairly used Sawyer as a means to provoke jealousy in Jack. Eventually, Jack ended up with Kate, and Sawyer found his match in Juliet. However, if circumstances were different, Sawyer and Kate could have made a stronger couple. Both coming from a criminal background, they possessed a potential Bonnie and Clyde-like connection. The undeniable passion between them was evident, but external factors prevented their relationship from flourishing. If not for the interference of the other two individuals, Skate could have been the ultimate endgame.

5 Michaela And Jared - Manifest

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Michaela and Zeke may have had a tumultuous love story throughout Manifest, filled with numerous highs and lows, before eventually reaching a point where they could have a chance at a happy ending. However, when considering compatibility, Michaela and Jared made more logical sense. Firstly, the intense attraction between them was undeniable. No matter how many other relationships they explored, they always gravitated back towards each other. Prior to the first time leap, Michaela was on the verge of accepting Jared's proposal. Even though circumstances changed and new romantic entanglements emerged, they continued holding onto their deep-rooted feelings for one another. In hindsight, it would have been wiser for Michaela and Jared to stay together and prevent unnecessary heartache caused by fleeting relationships.

4 Blair And Dan - Gossip Girl

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

The connection between Blair and Dan, also known as Dair, possessed a genuine potential for further development. They formed a deep bond on both emotional and intellectual levels, sharing similar interests and values. Unfortunately, their relationship was constantly impeded by multiple complicated entanglements. Nevertheless, despite Blair's involvements with Louis and Chuck, Dan remained steadfast in his support, offering kindness and love even during the most painful moments. Although their relationship experienced a brief exploration, their paths eventually diverged. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that their connection had the potential to flourish without the overwhelming interference it encountered.

3 Klaus And Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Klaus and Caroline possess an extraordinarily beautiful and enduring relationship, albeit left unanswered. They share a profound emotional bond, with Klaus vowing to be Caroline's ultimate love. After a heartfelt confession, they experience an intimate moment before temporarily parting ways, eagerly anticipating a future where they can finally unite. Regrettably, when the time comes for Caroline to pursue Klaus and solidify their connection, she unwittingly becomes his final love, cherishing their last day together before his untimely demise.

2 Zuko And Katara - Avatar: The Last Airbender

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

In the midst of a war between nations, Zuko and Katara, two individuals from opposite sides, initially seemed to have nothing in common and it appeared highly unlikely that their paths would cross. However, an unexpected connection forms between them when they find themselves imprisoned together in Ba Sing Se. This encounter proves transformational for Zuko, as he decides to turn his back on the nation that raised him and instead align himself with his former enemies in their mission to overthrow the tyrannical rule. Moreover, Zuko's devotion to Katara is demonstrated when he bravely puts himself in harm's way, shielding her from a lethal lightning strike during the concluding season of Avatar.

However, despite the connection and the clear value that Zuko placed on Katara's opinion and life, she ultimately ends up with Aang in The Legend of Korra. Throughout the series, both relationships were established, but Katara and Aang were often depicted as having a close sibling-like bond, while Zuko, being more mature, clearly had romantic feelings for her. It is disappointing that they never became a couple, as they could have represented the perfect harmony between water and fire, two opposing forces. However, there remains hope that Katara and Zuko's romance may finally blossom in the upcoming live-action series of Avatar.

1 Buffy And Spike - Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Unforgettable TV Couples: 10 Pairs with Electrifying Chemistry That Deserved to Be Endgame

Buffy and Spike's relationship is a complex one, filled with contradictions. At first, they were mortal enemies, with Spike being a vampire who targeted Slayers, and Buffy being the chosen Vampire Slayer of her era. Their encounters were riddled with intense battles, and as time went on, Spike found himself experiencing emotions he desperately tried to suppress by attempting to kill Buffy. Their initial interactions were marked by genuine animosity, but through a difficult and tumultuous journey that involved numerous fights, the creation of a Buffy robot, deceit, death, and much more, they eventually developed mutual feelings for each other.

They ventured into a relationship and became indispensable to each other, yet complexities persisted. Eventually, they resolved to genuinely invest in their relationship and became a couple. However, in a sudden twist of events, they ended up separating due to their inability to navigate through a crisis. It appears absurd considering the immense attraction and profound emotions they had developed for one another, but unfortunately, Buffy and Spike's romance was destined to remain in the past.