Unexpected Twist: Niles' Surprising Journey in the Frasier Reboot!

Unexpected Twist: Niles' Surprising Journey in the Frasier Reboot!

Niles' original role in the Frasier reboot and the intriguing possibility of him becoming the new Maris A fascinating twist that would have added a unique dynamic to the show's storyline


The creators of the Frasier reboot originally planned for Niles to be the new Maris, but had to abandon the idea due to the absence of the character in the revival.

Frasier and Niles considered running a black-box theater, but faced challenges without Niles. The creators debated making Niles the new Maris, but ultimately rejected the idea.

Frasier reboot creators Chris Harris and Joe Cristalli recently discussed their initial idea for Niles in the Frasier reboot. They had originally planned for Niles to take on the role of the new Maris, following his divorce from his unseen wife in the original series. However, since David Hyde Pierce declined to return, the creators felt it would be strange to make Niles the new Maris and ultimately decided to scrap their original plan.

Please find their interview excerpt below:

"In our original plan for the Frasier reboot, Niles would have stepped into the shoes of the new Maris. However, when David Hyde Pierce chose not to return, we felt it would have been odd to make Niles the new Maris. Therefore, we made the decision to move away from our initial idea," revealed Harris.

Cristalli: Initially, the plan was for Frasier and Niles to operate a black-box theater, similar to their successful venture with the restaurant revival. However, this vision had to be reconsidered as it became challenging for Frasier to manage the theater without Niles.

Harris: It would be peculiar if Niles were to become the replacement for Maris.

Cristalli: Which we did talk about.

More to come...

Source: Vulture