Understanding the Concept of Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen

Understanding the Concept of Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen

Discover the mystical world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where sorcerers utilize a plethora of extraordinary tools in their relentless pursuit of hunting curses Unravel the enigma surrounding Shikigami and explore the captivating tales of Megumi's Other Shikigami and other adept users in this enthralling series Immerse yourself in this spellbinding realm of magic and mayhem

In Jujutsu Kaisen, sorcerers utilize various tools in their daily pursuit of hunting curses. One such tool is the Shikigami, a distinctive form of Curse technique that may initially pose a challenge for Jujutsu Kaisen viewers to comprehend.

As previously stated, Shikigami is a curse technique employed by sorcerers like Megumi and Junpei to summon constructs for combat. These constructs may take on monstrous or animalistic forms, yet their ultimate objective remains consistent - to assist sorcerers in battle by their side.

What’s up with the Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Understanding the Concept of Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen

Megumi summoning the Shikigami Max Elephant. (Image via Studio MAPPA)

Shikigami materialize through summoning, usually with the help of an intermediary like a talisman. They remain present until the summoner either ends their technique or the Shikigami is defeated in battle. This makes them a dependable means of supporting sorcerers who prefer more direct approaches. The staff of Jujutsu High employs this strategy effectively.

Another individual who harnesses the power of Shikigami is Megumi Fushigoro, who summons them using his shadow as a conduit. He can bring forth various animal Shikigami, including his Divine Dogs, which are his go-to summonings. As time goes on, Megumi acquires access to other valuable Shikigami.

Megumi's Other Shikigami

Understanding the Concept of Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen

Mahogara is the most powerful of the Ten Shadows Technique. (Image via Gege Akutami)

Megumi possesses a range of useful abilities within his Ten Shadows Technique, with the Divine Dogs being the most basic. Additional summons include the mighty Max Elephant, capable of spraying large amounts of water from its trunk, and the Toad, enabling Megumi to seize distant targets. Additionally, Rabbit Escape serves as an effective diversion. Nevertheless, all of these pale in comparison to the supreme Shikigami that this technique can summon.

Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahogara stands as an immensely potent and versatile Shikigami. Undoubtedly, it is the most formidable entity that can be called forth through the Ten Shadows Technique in Jujutsu Kaisen. However, no practitioner of this technique has ever successfully commanded it. Megumi only summons it as a last resort, resulting in a fatal injury, but he manages to recover with Sukuna's assistance.

Other Shikigami users in Jujutsu Kaisen

Understanding the Concept of Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen

Junpei summoning his Shikigami, Moon Dregs. (Image via Studio MAPPA)

Junpei, a formidable Shikigami user, wields his terrifying familiar, Moon Dregs, with devastating results. This formidable jellyfish possesses immense strength, causing those who cannot perceive it to mistakenly believe that Junpei possesses telekinetic abilities. Capable of poisoning adversaries from a distance with its lethal stingers, Junpei heavily relies on his Shikigami summon to engage in combat, much like Megumi.

This transformation was orchestrated by Mahito, who manipulated Junpei into harnessing his potential as a formidable curse user. Moon Dregs, with its ability to exploit unsuspecting civilians, showcases the frightening effectiveness of Shikigami. However, when faced with a more skilled sorcerer like Yuji, it may have required enhancements. Jujutsu Kaisen's counterparts to familiars bear similarities to stands from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, at least to some extent.

Mahogara, among other Shikigami, possesses immense power that even seasoned sorcerers like Sukuna find challenging to overcome. The utilization of these entities varies, with certain individuals harnessing them for heroic purposes while others employ them for villainous intentions. Ultimately, Shikigami serve as additional weapons for sorcerers in their battles against curses, granting them increased strength and abilities.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I find the concept of Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen to be fascinating and imaginative. The idea of sorcerers summoning constructs for combat adds an extra layer of depth and strategy to the series. The variety of Shikigami, each with its own unique abilities, keeps the battles fresh and exciting.

Overall, I think Shikigami is a great addition to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen and look forward to seeing how they are used in future episodes and seasons.