Uncovering the Underrated Found Footage Horror: The Houses October Built

Uncovering the Underrated Found Footage Horror: The Houses October Built

The Houses October Built is a chilling found footage horror movie that will leave you on the edge of your seat Written by two of the main actors, this hidden gem stands out among the rest and deserves more recognition

When it comes to found footage horror movies, there's a fine line between being unimpressive and being a fresh and memorable take on the genre. The Houses October Built, a 2014 film that was written by two of its main actors and premiered at the Telluride Horror Show in Colorado, falls into the latter category. Despite being a hidden gem, the film unfortunately didn't receive the attention it deserved upon its release. With a rating of just 60% on the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer and a low Audience Score of only 31% from over 1,000 ratings, many horror fans may have overlooked this unique and entertaining film. If you're someone who enjoys found footage horror movies with a one-of-a-kind story, it's definitely worth giving The Houses October Built a chance.

Found footage horror films are often successful when they are inventive, authentically frightening, and unpredictable. The Houses October Built stands out from other movies in this subgenre because it possesses these qualities. The film chronicles the journey of five friends: Jeff (Jeff Larson), Mikey (Mikey Roe), Bobby (Bobby Roe), Zack (Zack Andrews), and Brandy (Brandy Schaefer). The group embarks on a road trip to visit a series of haunted houses in October, with the intention of making a movie about their experiences. This is an exciting and enjoyable idea that highlights the characters' bravery and creative inclinations.

One of the haunted houses they visit, Blue Skelton, is particularly terrifying. Bobby and Brandy are the most apprehensive about filming here, as they discover something disturbing and repulsive in the house. Additionally, Jeff is threatened by several individuals, which understandably makes him uneasy. It is fascinating to witness how each character reacts to the horrors that they encounter. Despite putting on a brave front at the outset of the film, none of them want to appear frightened, even if they are.

It's a rarity to come across truly captivating horror movie protagonists in found footage horror films. The focus is often on the environment and unsteady camera work, with the intention of making it appear as though the story could actually happen. This holds true for The Houses October Built. While the film is an entertaining experience, the characters could have been developed better. However, this does not detract from how unsettling and eerie the movie is.

Unlike some found footage horror films that are overhyped, The Houses October Built never becomes dull or underwhelming. From start to finish, it's unclear whether there is a genuine threat or if it's all part of the haunted house experience.

What sets The Houses October Built apart?

Uncovering the Underrated Found Footage Horror: The Houses October Built

The Houses October Built is one of those underrated found footage horror movies that will keep you on the edge of your seat. What sets it apart from other horror movies is its unique setting. Although movies like House Of Wax and Scream have great settings, The Houses October Built's haunted house is one that you won't forget easily.

When compared to the 2019 film Haunt, which also takes place at a haunted house, The Houses October Built feels more original and fresh. Haunt is about a group of friends who visit a haunted house on Halloween night and are immediately terrorized and hurt. In contrast, The Houses October Built slowly builds up the tension, making you question if the five friends are in danger or not. This subtler approach is what makes the movie so eerie and menacing.

The Houses October Built 2, a sequel to the first movie, was released in 2017. It continues to follow the same group of friends: Jeff, Mikey, Bobby, Zack, and Brandy. Surprisingly, despite the events of the first movie, the friends are alive and well, at least physically. The group is still shaken up by their experiences, but they decide to face their fears by visiting more haunted houses.

The Houses October Built 2 delivers a satisfying plot twist that will leave audiences shocked. It successfully meets and even exceeds the expectations set by its predecessor. While some horror sequels may fall short, this film is a thrilling and enjoyable experience. The classic setting of a haunted house ensures that there is room for future installments in the franchise, providing even more opportunities for scares.

In a perfect world, sequels should continue the story of beloved characters and offer a fresh new take on the original plot, and The Houses October Built 2 does just that. The familiar cast is put in a similar but unique situation, resulting in genuine scares and unexpected surprises. Horror enthusiasts searching for two exceptional found footage films should not miss out on this dynamic duo.