Uncovering the Hidden Gems of Star Trek: Picard Season 2

Uncovering the Hidden Gems of Star Trek: Picard Season 2

Exploring the intricate details and subtle nods to Star Trek: Voyager in the set design of Picard season 2.

The Art of Set Design

The world of Star Trek: Picard is a tapestry of intricate details and subtle nods to the rich history of the Star Trek universe. At the heart of this world-building endeavor is the art of set design, masterfully crafted by production designer Dave Blass and his team. With the inclusion of a deep-cut Star Trek: Voyager easter egg, the sets of Picard season 2 have become a treasure trove for eagle-eyed fans and aficionados of the franchise.

Sneed and Quark's Bar in Star Trek: Picard

Sneed and Quark's Bar in Star Trek: Picard

Speaking to Warp Factor Trek, Dave Blass provided insight into the meticulous approach taken towards set design for Picard. Describing the show as a 'historical' representation of the Star Trek legacy, Blass emphasized the significance of weaving elements from the past into the fabric of the series. It is within this framework that the Voyager easter egg, carefully concealed within Soong's lab, comes to light, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the interconnectedness of the Star Trek universe.



The inclusion of subtle references to Voyager episodes serves as a testament to the dedication and artistry of the production team, elevating the storytelling experience for fans and enriching the narrative tapestry of Star Trek: Picard. Each set piece becomes a canvas upon which the legacy of the franchise is intricately woven, inviting audiences to embark on a journey of discovery and nostalgia.

Michael Dorn as Worf and Daystrom Station in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 6

Michael Dorn as Worf and Daystrom Station in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 6

A Deeper Dive

The discovery of the hidden Voyager easter egg in Soong's lab unveils a fascinating connection to a pivotal episode from Star Trek: Voyager - 'Future's End'. The snow globe, once adorning Sarah Silverman's desk in the time travel episode, finds a new home within the enigmatic confines of Soong's lab. This subtle homage not only pays tribute to the intricate storytelling of Voyager but also sparks curiosity and intrigue among fans, igniting discussions and speculation about the shared history of the characters.

Data holds a pack of playing cards in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 8

Data holds a pack of playing cards in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 8

Dave Blass's revelation of the snow globe's placement offers a glimpse into the thought-provoking world-building approach employed in Picard season 2. The interconnectedness of characters and narratives across different Star Trek series adds depth and dimension to the storytelling, enriching the viewing experience for both long-time fans and newcomers to the franchise.

Riker passes a Reman Thaleron weapon in Star Trek: Picard season 3

Riker passes a Reman Thaleron weapon in Star Trek: Picard season 3

As the layers of the Star Trek universe continue to unfold within the sets of Picard, the Voyager easter egg serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of the franchise, resonating with the spirit of exploration and interconnected storytelling that has captivated audiences for decades.

Beyond Easter Eggs

While the term 'easter egg' may be used to describe these hidden gems, Dave Blass's perspective offers a deeper insight into the intention behind the inclusion of such references. For Blass, it is about world-building and encapsulating the sixty-year history of Star Trek within the visual tapestry of Picard. Each carefully placed item, whether it be the Ressikan flute or a subtle nod to Voyager, contributes to the rich and immersive world of Picard, reflecting the evolution and continuity of the Star Trek universe.

Far from being mere fan service, these meticulously placed elements serve as a reflection of the characters' journeys and the enduring impact of their experiences. The attention to detail and the reverence for the past, as exemplified by the inclusion of the snow globe, add depth and emotional resonance to the narrative, culminating in an emotionally rewarding finale that pays homage to the legacy of Star Trek.

As the legacy of Star Trek continues to unfold, the sets of Picard season 2 stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and the interconnectedness of storytelling that defines the franchise. The intricate web of references and nods to the past serves as a bridge between generations of fans, inviting them to embark on a timeless journey through the tapestry of the Star Trek universe.