Uncover the Ultimate Secrets of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Mastering the Art of Obtaining Diamantine

Uncover the Ultimate Secrets of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Mastering the Art of Obtaining Diamantine

Master the art of acquiring Diamantine in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide with our expert guide Elevate your gameplay by stocking up on this precious resource

Diamantine is a vital crafting component in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, essential for modifying weapons and Curios. To fully optimize their gear, players will require a vast quantity of Diamantine.

Gathering crafting resources in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide can be a monotonous task, with no efficient means of specifically obtaining Plasteel or Diamantine. However, by following certain strategies for collecting and utilizing materials, players can easily maintain a substantial stockpile of these resources.

How to Get Diamantine in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Uncover the Ultimate Secrets of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Mastering the Art of Obtaining Diamantine

To obtain Diamantine, players must embark on a mission and carefully search the map. Diamantine can be found in various locations, ranging from the main route between objectives to the quiet chambers adjacent to each arena. These valuable caches are cube-shaped and emit a glowing blue light.

Interestingly, the most efficient method to acquire Diamantine is to focus on the main mission path. It is unnecessary to extensively explore every room. This approach not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of mission failure. This is particularly crucial in a team where communication and interest in gathering materials may be lacking among random teammates.

Diamantine, like Plasteel, is available in both small and large caches. It appears that the larger caches have higher spawn rates in higher difficulties, resulting in greater quantities of resources per run. To maximize resource collection, players are encouraged to play on the highest difficulty they are comfortable with. It is important to note that failing a mission will not yield any resources, rendering the entire run wasted.

It is worth noting that Diamantine is not utilized as extensively in crafting compared to Plasteel. As a result, players often find themselves accumulating an excess of Diamantine once they begin earning a surplus from their runs. This places greater importance on acquiring Plasteel, as higher-level equipment requires a greater amount of this resource.

Weapons and Curios of lower ratings can be modified at a lower cost at Hadron's station on the Mourningstar. Players who have a character at level 30 can farm materials from Malice or Heresy difficulties for their lower-level characters. Malice is a more beginner-friendly option while still providing enough challenge to keep players engaged.

To further reduce Plasteel and Diamantine expenses, players should utilize the Earn Blessing feature at Hadron's station to collect Blessings from other weapons. This eliminates the requirement to fully Consecrate gear and greatly reduces crafting costs.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.