Uncover the Ultimate Mercy Glitch in Overwatch 2

Uncover the Ultimate Mercy Glitch in Overwatch 2

Discover how a Mercy player found a game-breaking bug in Overwatch 2, enabling them to manipulate the match and other players' connections in an unorthodox manner

A player in Overwatch 2 has uncovered a bug with Mercy that grants them an unfair advantage in matches. As a result, some players have called on Blizzard to temporarily remove Mercy from the game, similar to previous instances where characters like Mei and Bastion were removed due to issues. Overwatch 2 has faced criticism for its character balancing since release, with each patch seemingly introducing new bugs that allow some players to grief others. From Torbjorn and Bastion's problematic abilities to Kiriko's teleportation glitch, and Sigma's ability to float indefinitely, players have found ways to exploit the game's flaws. In most cases, this leads to the affected characters being removed while the issues are addressed.

A recent bug related to Mercy has been discovered, which gives players the ability to take over a match. This can bring back memories of the JunkerTown glitch that plagued Overwatch 2 players for a considerable time. A video shared by nsbunited on YouTube shows Mercy using her staff and pistol animations simultaneously while trying to escape the spawn room. When switching back to the staff, Mercy effectively "takes the game hostage", causing the frame rate to drop significantly for all players. The issue is compounded every time Mercy dies, leading to increased latency and rendering the game unplayable. To make matters worse, Mercy players can fix the issue for themselves by simply swapping back to their pistol, while other players in the lobby continue to experience lag. This allows Mercy players to gain complete control of the lobby and win the objective, leaving other players with little power to improve their frame rates or connection. Killing Mercy would only exacerbate the problem, making it easier for the Mercy player to win matches in Overwatch 2's Paraiso due to the relative ease with which this bug can be exploited.

To resolve the glitch in Overwatch, players can take a few different approaches. One option is to exit and re-enter the game, which has proven to be quite effective. Another solution is to hold off on selecting a hero until after Mercy initiates the glitch, or even during the setup phase. Additionally, having the Mercy player switch to a different character can also alleviate the issue, though this option relies on the assumption that the player did not intentionally cause the glitch. It's worth noting that Overwatch 2 is now available on a variety of gaming platforms, including PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.