Oppenheimer, the upcoming film directed by Christopher Nolan, has sparked a social media controversy. Users are highlighting the significant age difference between Cillian Murphy's lead character and his younger love interest, portrayed by Florence Pugh. This controversy surrounds the relationship between Murphy's protagonist and Pugh's character, Jean Tatlock, who is his mistress. Take a look at some of the Twitter reactions below ahead of the Oppenheimer release date.
"Mocking Oppenheimer solely for his age gap relationship, disregarding his creation of the deadliest weapon in human history," tweets @granitelefty, highlighting the controversy and its failure to acknowledge his significant achievement.
Expressing astonishment at the two contrasting controversies, @SiddhantAdlakha questions the attention given to Oppenheimer's on-screen age gaps when Barbie, a competitor, has been banned in Vietnam.
@tomandlorenzo urges those engaged in contentious discussions about Oppenheimer and Barbie to take a step back and gain some perspective, as their arguments are currently appearing rather foolish.
@maiamindel expresses a widely shared view, stating, "While I can overlook Robert Oppenheimer's creation of nuclear weapons, I find it unacceptable to ignore the troubling age difference between him and his girlfriend."
@N7aClGamer is exasperated by the ongoing online debate surrounding the age-gap controversy, expressing disbelief at the fact that people are genuinely engaging in discussions about Oppenheimer's relationship with a significant age difference. "It's astonishing how people's minds have deviated," @bradwhipple asserts, challenging those who believe that Oppenheimer's affair with his mistress is the most contentious aspect of his life.
@frazbelina also expresses dissatisfaction with the ongoing controversy, stating, "Oppenheimer's involvement has sparked yet another debate about the age difference and explicit scenes."
In a light-hearted tone, @moaquirk humorously adds, "Apart from this, Oppenheimer has maintained an impeccable reputation with regard to humanity." This comment aligns with previous opinions expressed.
@OhMyMithrandir speculates on whether actor Cillian Murphy, oblivious to any ongoing controversy, remains detached from the world of memes. They suggest that Murphy might possess a classic Nokia phone, diligently maintained and likely never encountering said meme.
Source: Various/ Twitter