Unbelievable: Diablo 4 Player Loses Epic 48-Hour Season 1 Hardcore Character Due to Disastrous Disconnect

Unbelievable: Diablo 4 Player Loses Epic 48-Hour Season 1 Hardcore Character Due to Disastrous Disconnect

A prominent Diablo 4 streamer's level 93 Hardcore Rogue meets a tragic end when an unexpected disconnection causes the loss of all progress and possessions Devastating setback in the intense Season 1 gameplay


Diablo 4 streamer Wudijo experienced a devastating setback in Hardcore mode when his level 93 Rogue character was tragically lost due to a disconnection. This unfortunate incident led to a staggering waste of 48 hours' worth of hard-earned progress.

Acknowledging the connectivity challenges faced by Hardcore players, Blizzard is taking proactive measures to address the issue. In Season 3, they plan to implement a solution by making necessary modifications to the Scroll of Escape.

Blizzard is actively addressing the concerns of Hardcore players who are worried about losing their characters due to disconnections.

During the Season of the Malignant in Diablo 4's Hardcore mode, a streamer dedicated 48 hours to building a Rogue character, only to tragically and painfully lose it. Diablo 4, which has broken records, has recently launched its first season, where players begin anew, searching for Malignant Hearts and facing new challenges.

In Diablo 4, players have the option to play in either Normal or Hardcore mode. In Normal mode, the only consequence of dying is a slight decrease in gear durability, which can be easily repaired by a blacksmith for a small fee. Hardcore mode, on the other hand, offers the potential for better loot but comes with the risk of permadeath. If a player dies in Hardcore mode, their character and all progress associated with it are permanently lost.

Diablo 4 streamer Wudijo, a highly skilled player in the community, recently experienced a devastating loss in Hardcore mode. His level 93 Rogue, which he had spent 48 hours leveling since the start of Season 1, perished due to a power outage while he was in the middle of a Nightmare dungeon. As a result, all of his hard work and progress were lost.

Unbelievable: Diablo 4 Player Loses Epic 48-Hour Season 1 Hardcore Character Due to Disastrous Disconnect

After returning to check the post-death report in the Hall of Fallen Heroes, Diablo 4 disclosed that his Rogue had been slain by a Revenant. This suggests that Wudijo's Rogue was left defenseless in the dungeon after the disconnection, allowing the Revenant to launch a fatal attack.

Blizzard acknowledges the risks faced by Hardcore players due to connectivity issues and is actively seeking to address the problem. In a previous confirmation by Diablo 4 producer Joe Piepiora, it was revealed that the Scroll of Escape item will be modified. Presently, players can use this item to safely teleport to a city or town in critical situations. However, in Season 3, Blizzard plans to enhance the item by automatically activating it if a player gets disconnected while inside a dungeon. Although this improvement will not be available until Season 3, it will undoubtedly be welcomed news for Hardcore players of Diablo 4 who are concerned about the possibility of losing their characters due to disconnections.

Diablo 4 is currently playable on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Source: IGN