Ultimate Guide to Decimating the Monstrous Boss in Atomic Heart

Ultimate Guide to Decimating the Monstrous Boss in Atomic Heart

Learn how to defeat the Large Mutant Boss in Atomic Heart with a strategic approach Take out regular enemies first, target the boss's weakness, and keep firing until all enemies are defeated Follow these steps to beat the boss and progress through the game

In Mundfish's thrilling action-adventure game, Atomic Heart, players are transported to a dystopian world filled with exhilarating quests and formidable foes, including a massive mutant boss. Unlike the run-of-the-mill adversaries players face, defeating this boss requires careful strategy and the ability to chip away at his formidable health bars until victory is achieved. As the second boss encountered in the game, players will encounter this mutant behemoth often, making it imperative to master the skills needed to take him down. This guide will provide gamers with the tools they need to vanquish the large mutant boss in Atomic Heart.

Large Mutant Boss Fight Walkthrough

Ultimate Guide to Decimating the Monstrous Boss in Atomic Heart

The Vavilov Complex's narrow corridor is suddenly filled with the looming presence of a massive mutant boss. Although this formidable foe has the power to transform corpses into mutants and deal significant damage to players, his cumbersome size makes him less of a challenge to fight than one might expect. Dodging his attacks becomes a straightforward task, but the emergence of numerous other enemies during the encounter keeps players on their toes.

Deal With Regular Enemies First

Ultimate Guide to Decimating the Monstrous Boss in Atomic Heart

To survive the encounter with the large mutant, players must prioritize eliminating the smaller enemies first. The Electro gun is an effective weapon for taking out the sprout spitters located on the walls and far corners of the room, reducing the number of sprouts that are constantly flying around and hindering movement.

Players should focus on taking down regular mutants first and maintain a safe distance from the larger mutant. It's important to keep moving and avoid getting trapped in a corner, which would make it easier for the larger mutant to attack. Rotating around the area can help players stay on the move and increase their chances of survival.

Target His Weakness

Ultimate Guide to Decimating the Monstrous Boss in Atomic Heart

His back is covered in pulsating tumors, making it a vulnerable spot for a well-timed strike. A shotgun is the most effective weapon to exploit this weakness, especially when paired with the right cartridge.

Keep Firing and Kill All Enemies

Ultimate Guide to Decimating the Monstrous Boss in Atomic Heart

When facing the large mutant in Atomic Heart, it's crucial to dodge his grenades and attack him quickly before he can readjust. One effective strategy is to wait for the opportune moment to strike his exposed orange back. Additionally, using the stun effect of Cyro to freeze the mutant can buy players some time and lead to bonus damage, ultimately resulting in defeating the formidable opponent. Atomic Heart is currently playable on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation platforms.