Ultimate Guide: Boosting Your Zenny in Monster Hunter

Ultimate Guide: Boosting Your Zenny in Monster Hunter

Zenny is the lifeline for Monster Hunter Now players, enabling them to forge powerful weapons and armor Discover the secrets to amassing this invaluable resource through epic monster hunts and fulfilling daily quests

In Monster Hunter Now, the core gameplay loop is capturing the essence of the mainline Monster Hunter games. Players are tasked with hunting monsters, collecting materials and Zenny, and then utilizing these resources to craft more powerful weapons for tackling even more challenging monsters. Acquiring Zenny in Monster Hunter Now mainly involves completing Daily Quests, hunting large monsters, and occasionally utilizing limited time promotional codes. As substantial amounts of Zenny are required for crafting or upgrading weapons and armor, it is crucial to be aware of the various methods of obtaining this currency.

Zenny serves as the primary form of currency in the Monster Hunter universe, and this remains largely true in Monster Hunter Now. It can be combined with monster parts and gathered materials to create new weapons and armor, or enhance existing ones for increased strength. However, unlike most Monster Hunter games, Zenny cannot be utilized to purchase potions within the confines of Monster Hunter Now.

Earn Zenny From Hunting Large Monsters

Ultimate Guide: Boosting Your Zenny in Monster Hunter

The easiest method to accumulate Zenny in Monster Hunter Now is by engaging in the pursuit of formidable creatures. The quantity of Zenny that a player obtains upon successfully vanquishing a creature is contingent upon the star rating of said creature. Generally, players are bestowed with Zenny equivalent to ten times the star rating of the monster. However, this payout structure alters once players gain access to monsters with a star rating of 6 or higher. The subsequent table provides a breakdown of the Zenny values associated with different star-rated monsters.

Monster Star Level

Zenny Reward

Hunter Rank Points Reward

1 Star

10 Zenny

10 HRP

2 Star

20 Zenny

20 HRP

3 Star

30 Zenny

40 HRP

4 Star

40 Zenny

60 HRP

5 Star

50 Zenny

80 HRP

6 Star

100 Zenny

100 HRP

7 Star

110 Zenny

110 HRP

8 Star

130 Zenny

120 HRP

9 Star

140 Zenny

130 HRP

10 Star

150 Zenny

150 HRP

Earn Zenny by Completing Daily Quests

Ultimate Guide: Boosting Your Zenny in Monster Hunter

Upon reaching HR 11 in Monster Hunter Now, players will unlock Daily Quests, consisting of three unique and randomized challenges that can be completed each day. While the material rewards for these quests may vary, all three will always grant the player 1000 Zenny. This means that completing all three quests allows players to earn a total of 3000 Zenny per day, making it the most lucrative method to accumulate Zenny in Monster Hunter Now.

In addition, players have the option to acquire Zenny by purchasing it with Gems in the in-game store. However, the exchange rate of real money to Zenny is not particularly favorable. Another option to earn Zenny is by utilizing Monster Hunter Now redemption codes, although these codes can only be used once and have a limited time frame.

Ultimate Guide: Boosting Your Zenny in Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter Now

Franchise Monster HunterPlatform(s) Android, iOSReleased September 14, 2023Developer(s) Niantic, CapcomPublisher(s) NianticGenre(s) Augmented RealityESRB t

Editor's P/S

Monster Hunter Now is a mobile game that allows players to capture and collect monsters, similar to the mainline Monster Hunter games. In Monster Hunter Now, Zenny is the main currency used to craft and upgrade weapons and armor. There are several ways to obtain Zenny in the game, including completing Daily Quests, hunting large monsters, and occasionally utilizing limited time promotional codes.

One of the most efficient ways to earn Zenny is by completing Daily Quests. These quests are unlocked after reaching HR 11 and consist of three unique and randomized challenges that can be completed each day. All three quests will always grant the player 1000 Zenny, meaning that completing all three quests allows players to earn a total of 3000 Zenny per day. This makes Daily Quests the most lucrative method to accumulate Zenny in Monster Hunter Now.

Hunting large monsters is another way to earn Zenny. The amount of Zenny that a player obtains upon successfully vanquishing a creature is contingent upon the star rating of said creature. Generally, players are bestowed with Zenny equivalent to ten times the star rating of the monster. However, this payout structure alters once players gain access to monsters with a star rating of 6 or higher.

Overall, Monster Hunter Now is a fun and engaging game that offers a variety of ways to earn Zenny. By completing Daily Quests, hunting large monsters, and occasionally utilizing limited time promotional codes, players can quickly accumulate the Zenny they need to craft and upgrade their weapons and armor.