Transforming a Broken Apple Watch into a High-Precision Mechanical Timepiece

Transforming a Broken Apple Watch into a High-Precision Mechanical Timepiece

Transforming a broken Apple Watch into a classic mechanical timepiece is a creative and eco-friendly solution Rather than contributing to the electronic waste problem, this DIY project repurposes technology to create a unique and functional accessory

Instead of ending up in a landfill, used electronics often find a second life in the second-hand market. However, when broken, their fate is typically sealed. In a unique DIY project, NanoRobotGeek on YouTube took a different approach by repurposing a broken Apple Watch into a traditional mechanical watch that can last for many years and never become obsolete. The project involved fitting a Seiko NH38 watch movement into the frame and bands of the Apple Watch, along with other miscellaneous parts.

The end product is a watch that maintains its functionality for several more years, even after it has lost its smart capabilities. Unlike its smartwatch counterparts, it is not dependent on Apple's decision on obsolescence. While it only displays the time, it remains fully operational and boasts a sleek design.

It’s no Rolex, but it keeps the essence of the Apple Watch and you don’t even have to worry about its battery life. To me, that’s a win-win.

Source: Instructables
