Tragic Loss: Innocent Lives Taken in Russian Strike on Odesa Apartment Block

Tragic Loss: Innocent Lives Taken in Russian Strike on Odesa Apartment Block

Heartbreaking news emerged as a two-year-old toddler and nine others lost their lives in a devastating Russian airstrike targeting an apartment complex in Odesa, Ukraine. This tragic incident adds to the growing toll of civilian casualties in the ongoing conflict, highlighting the devastating impact of the Russian military campaign.

The death toll from a Russian drone attack on an apartment block in the Ukrainian city of Odesa has risen to ten after the body of a third child was pulled from the rubble, officials said Sunday, the latest civilian victims of a relentless Russian bombing campaign.

Oleh Kiper, the head of Odesa regional military administration, shared on Sunday that the body of another baby, believed to be less than a year old, was found next to a woman's body in the aftermath of the attack.

Authorities announced on Saturday that the bodies of a mother and her four-month-old were discovered in the debris.

The mother, identified as Anna by her sister in an interview with CNN, was in her bedroom on the second floor of her apartment building at the time of the strike. Anna was known for her work as a florist and decorator.

A residential building in Dnipro that has been hit by a Russian drone

A residential building in Dnipro that has been hit by a Russian drone

A residential building in Dnipro that has been hit by a Russian drone

Ivana Kottasová/CNN

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Her husband and daughter survived the drone attack, her sister told CNN.

In Saturday's daily address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed that a toddler named Mark, who was about to turn three on Sunday, was among those killed in the attack. The front facade of an apartment block was completely destroyed, leaving the building in ruins.

Andriy Kostin, Ukraine's Prosecutor General, pointed out that the attack on civilians was deliberate, as there are no military facilities nearby.

The city administration of Odesa has declared Sunday as a day of mourning.

Zelensky emphasized the importance of boosting the country's air defense capabilities following the recent attack.

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, shared that a residential building in Odesa was struck by an enemy drone, resulting in the destruction of 18 apartments.

At least four have been declared killed after the drone strike hit a residential building in Odesa.

At least four have been declared killed after the drone strike hit a residential building in Odesa.

At least four have been declared killed after the drone strike hit a residential building in Odesa.

Oleksandr Gimanov/AFP/Getty Images

“More air defense systems, more missiles for air defense is what saves lives,” he said.

Ukraine has requested increased military aid from its western allies as Russia continues its war against Ukraine for the third year.

Recently, President Zelensky expressed concern to CNN, stating that "millions" could die if US lawmakers do not approve President Biden's $60 billion aid request for Kyiv. This comes after Zelensky revealed that around 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have lost their lives in the conflict so far.

The House Republican leadership has been hesitant to vote on increasing funding.

At the same time, CNN reports that the Pentagon is considering using its final source of funding for military aid to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia, even without assurance of Congress replenishing the funds.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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